What Jews Can Do

November 18, 2019
2 mins read

In an article titled, How to stop the horrifying resurgence of anti-Semitism, Moshe Kantor has some ideas for you:

The Jews of the world must know that there is now a courageous and moral majority that stands solidly alongside them. For this, we need an international effort to confront anti-Semitism.
Leaders need to cut off the oxygen given to those who seek to perpetrate attacks against Jews and spread their hate…
There needs to be a new comprehensive undertaking to end a felonious tolerance of hate and racism, whether against Jews or any other targeted minority.

But as is usually the case when leftists decide to ban some effect that arises in society, Moshe completely ignores the causes of the effects. It’s as if “hate” is some inexplicable force that periodically attaches itself to Jews because of magic. The entire article contains not a single suggestion that Jews could change about their actions that might keep this magic hate from sticking to them every so often.*
“Woah, woah, woah!” you might respond. “Don’t go blaming the victim here!” #Triggered.
Which is a funny thing to say. Because to say that there’s nothing Jews can do to stop anti-Semitism is to say that nothing they do could affect anyone else. That nothing they do matters. To say that Jews cannot do anything that matters is to say that Jews don’t matter. That’s very anti-Semitic and I’ll have none of it, you bigot.
I actually think that what Jews do matters quite a bit, especially as it impacts relations between the diaspora and the people among whom they dwell.
So I would like to provide Jews with three suggestions that might actually help stop the otherwise inexplicable resurgence of anti-Semitism that Mr. Kantor finds so problematic:

This is not good for the Jews, so much.

  • Get over yourselves. The Holocaust is not, as Mr. Kantor asserts, “Humanity’s darkest chapter.” Genghis Khan killed more than 10% of the world’s population. The Black Plague so ravaged Europe that it took a century and a half for the continent to regain its population. Ever heard of the Amalekites? The 1940s are not the fulcrum of history.
  • Stop asking “is it good for the Jews?” To the extent that some act or attitude is good primarily for the Jews, it’s less good for other people who live here. Such acts create social tension. They create mistrust. These acts, when obviously to the detriment of the people among whom you dwell as guests, can cause magic things to stick to you.
  • Move to Israel. At the close of every Seder, the Jew promises “Next year in Jerusalem.” Fulfillment of that promise lies within your grasp. There is a modern and prosperous nation where you can make it all about yourselves and where everything that’s good for the Jews will help everyone in the whole country. You might like it there.

A major reason some problems never get solved is that the people who care the most about them expect that others are going to solve them first. This is seldom the case, because others care about their own problems and are busy solving those.
Perhaps the Jews cannot completely solve the historical and thorny problem of anti-Semitism all on their own. That might be asking a bit much, I’ll admit. But once they implement their choice of any two of these three suggestions, which are fully in their power to do, I suspect that the remnants of anti-Semitism will take a lot less than an international effort to confront.
* Lest you think that it’s just Christians who have it in for the Jews for some reason, Gnaeus Cornelius Scipio Hispanus kicked the Jews out of Rome a century and a half before Christ was born. And let’s not even get started on Tiglath-Pileser III.

El Borak is an historian by training, an IT Director by vocation, and a writer when the mood strikes him. He lives in rural Kansas with his wife of thirty years, where he works to fix the little things.

5 Comments Leave a Reply

  1. * Publius Aelia Hadrianus
    Successor to Emperor Trajan and builder of Hadrians wall which can still be seen today in Northern Britain.
    In his 15th year he was confronted with the 3rd rebellion in Judea by a bandit name Simon Bar Cokhba. Bar Cokhba was regarded by man Jews as the promised Messiah. Bar Cokhba set aside specific tortures and executions for Jews who would not disavow Christ. His revolt lasted for 4 years and was marked by raids into adjacent Roman territories.
    This enraged Hadrian. As a result Hadrian assembled 6 full legions to crush the revolt. This resulted in over a half a million Jews killed, captives sold into slavery, and passage of laws that prevented Jews from even being able to see their ancestral homelands.
    Hadrian was a pagan in the Greek Hellenistic traditional.

    • Kicked out of Rome by the Emperor Claudius as well (Acts 18:2; Seutonius, “Claudius”, 25). Though that one probably was as least partly the Christians’ fault, all things considered.

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