Vox Day And 2033

August 10, 2020
10 mins read

First published in December 2018.

As I have written over these past two weeks, I have come to believe that we are living in the last days of the American Republic. In my recent post, I explained how globalist ambitions and demographic change have already caused the United States to enter its decline phase. The purpose of this blog is to chronicle this decline as it happens, evaluate current social and political events within a historical context, and provide knowledge and inspiration for how to weather the storms to come. I believe that the end of America as we know it is inevitable, but the method of that end is still to be determined. Peaceful dissolution is the optimistic option, but civil war remains a possibility.

One commentator who has long been predicting a dissolution of the United States is Vox Day. Vox has led a busy life. In the 1990s he was in a techno band as well as a hardware and game design company and wrote a few fantasy novels on the side. He went on to write several non-fiction books on economics, religion, immigration, and the convergence of American corporations by social justice warrior activists as well as an epic high fantasy series. For a while he wrote a syndicated video game column and then had a weekly political column at WorldNetDaily alongside other commentators such as Ann Coulter and Ben Shapiro. He has founded his own imprints, editing and publishing fiction, non-fiction, and several successful graphic novels. For about fifteen years Vox has maintained a blog that he updates multiple times each day. Vox has consistently predicted that the United States will no longer exist in its present form by the year 2033. Not only that, but he took his prediction seriously enough to move his family out of the country. I will be about fifty years old in 2033 and my oldest child will be on the cusp of adulthood. The question of what nation my children and their children will inherit is not just academic.

As a longtime reader of Vox’s blog and other writings I know that his predictions can be hit-or-miss. He famously predicted that Hillary Clinton would win the 2008 election, and strongly believed that Barack Obama would refuse to run in 2012. On the other hand, Vox correctly predicted the recession that began in 2008 as a result of the housing market crash as well as Donald Trump’s improbable victory in 2016. The 2033 prediction is different, however. The fortunes of specific political figures are not the same as observing where long-term trends inevitably lead. Like Steve Sailer, Vox has a habit of noticing things that remain dangerous to say in public. Vox will often be ruthless with his observations, explaining what he sees without sugar-coating it or holding back. This rubs many people the wrong way, as they mistake description for prescription. That is, Vox is like a doctor making a cancer diagnosis: just because we do not like cancer, nor do we want it to spread, does not mean we should pretend it does not exist.

Vox Day’s prediction of dissolution by 2033 is based upon his observations of two parts of American society: economics and demographics. Many economists agree that we are headed for a reckoning, as our massive deficit spending and upcoming unfunded liabilities simply cannot be sustained. When a national debt becomes overwhelming, nations usually have two choices: print more money or repudiate the debt. The first option leads to inflation, such as what plagued Weimar Germany in the early 1930s, Argentina in the 2000s, or Venezuela today. The latter option would destroy any remaining trust in the US government. Remember that what we call the national debt is owed on treasury bonds and other government-backed financial instruments. I recently traded in some small US Savings Bonds that I had been given as a child. Imagine if the bank teller handed them back and said that they were no good. Imagine all the 401k and IRA accounts that are invested in treasury bonds suddenly becoming worthless. Either situation would be catastrophic for the economy. Yet our government just keeps spending as if tomorrow will never come. As we speak, the US National Debt is nearly $22 trillion, a number so large as to be inconceivable. A third of a trillion dollars each year is spend simply servicing the interest on that debt, and that number continues to grow as a percentage of total spending. Even the most fiscally conservative politicians have no real plan to tackle this elephant. President Trump has allegedly said that the debt is not his problem, as it will blow up after he is out of office. Whether those were his actual words or not (neither the Daily Beast nor the anonymous sources it quotes are reliable) does not matter, as this is the unspoken opinion of nearly everyone in government. Yet something that cannot go on forever won’t.

The other factor in Vox’s prediction is demographics. Demographic change is happening in America as we speak. Many on the right are called racist by mainstream news for pointing out that the European-American heritage of America is in danger of being eclipsed by a new citizenry whose heritage is Hispanic or African. Yet those same mainstream journalists will happily write articles about the coming demographic change, excited that evil white men are going to soon be in the minority. After a relatively brief open period (the Ellis Island days), immigration was tightly controlled for much of the 20th century. In 1965, however, Congress passed the Hart-Celler Immigration and Nationality Act which completely overhauled our immigration laws. Instead of taking a small number of immigrants with demonstrable skills, the Hart-Celler Act made family unification a priority, which enabled today’s chain migration. Immigration quotas were doubled, with new preferences given to immigrants from the Western Hemisphere rather than western Europe. Senator Ted Kennedy, one of the chief proponents of the Act, reassured Americans that these new laws were not revolutionary:

“The bill will not flood our cities with immigrants. It will not upset the ethnic mix of our society. It will not relax the standards of admission. It will not cause American workers to lose their jobs.”

Time has proven the late senator wrong on all four counts. In 1995, the Center for Immigration Studies published a retrospective on the Act, conclusively demonstrating how radically it changed immigration patterns into the United States. According to the CIS article, the impetus for the bill was a concern for equality in the wake of the Civil Rights Act. Supporters believed that the immigration controls that had existed since 1924 were racist and exclusionary and sought to open American residence and citizenship to everyone. Note that among the supporters of the Act were prominent Republicans as well as Democrats, including 1996 GOP presidential candidate Bob Dole. This aligns with my observation that the Globalist Party of the last two generations transcends party labels.

In the 23 years since the CIS report, immigration has only increased. Tens of millions of migrants from impoverished regions have crossed our borders, in both legal and illegal manners. This massive migration is driving demographic changes in nearly every state in the union, despite assurances from Kennedy and his ilk that this would not be the case. Neither Republicans nor Democrats have any motivation to solve this issue, rather they continue to push more openness and amnesty for illegal aliens rather than any sort of enforcement of our borders. Wealthy Republican donors are content with ever-increasing immigration as it drives down wages for their businesses. Democrats can safely assume that millions of new citizens from quasi-socialist nations will be reliable voters for generations to come. The push for amnesty (followed by enforcement, of course) is especially ironic considering there are still many in Congress who must surely remember President Reagan’s 1986 amnesty, attached to which was a promise to enforce the borders henceforth. That promise remains largely unfulfilled.

Many pundits claim that current migration levels are the same as they were more than a century ago when the poor of Europe passed under the Statue of Liberty to Ellis Island. However, a look at the numbers shows this not to be the case. If you include illegal aliens, then the migrations to the United States since the 1965 act are an invasion unprecedented in American history. Some would balk at referring to this as an invasion, since the migrants are not carrying arms, but a look at history shows that you do not always need an army to take over a country. The Angles and Saxons began their migration to the British Isles with scattered raiding, which grew into permanent settlements. After a century or so, much of modern-day England was ruled by Saxons. The same pattern has occurred throughout history.

According to Vox Day, the 1965 immigration act and the subsequent amnesty were nothing short of existential disasters for the United States. He recently wrote about the consequences of the Act:

“The post-1965 mass immigration policy was entirely based on lies and misrepresentations, and 50 years on it is clear that global migration has destroyed America, the largest invasion in human history has severely weakened the United States, and if a significant portion of the post-1965 immigrants and their descendants are not repatriated in the next decade, they will cause the complete collapse of the Union, violent ethnic conflict, and a civil war of unprecedented magnitude.”


Vox wrote a long post last year about Representative Emanuel Celler, the primary author of the 1965 act. He suggests that as a third-generation immigrant, Celler was blind to the inevitable consequences of increased migration. Many dismiss Vox as a racist because he observes the actions and consequences of different ethnic groups, but they rarely engage with those observations themselves. It should be obvious that the descendants of the pioneers who fought the American Revolution will have different worldviews than the descendants of Ellis Island immigrants. Many of the most vocal proponents of increased migration are descendants of immigrants themselves. The notion that America is a “nation of immigrants” is a mantra repeated by the descendants of immigrants.

Early in the 2016 presidential campaign, Vox responded to Globalist Party Republican John Kasich’s call for amnesty for illegal aliens:

“The dirt is not magic. The USA is not magically exempt from the same rules of power, politics, and war that have stricken nearly every other multiethnic society in history at one time or another. There is absolutely nothing preventing what has happened many times elsewhere from happening on US soil.”


I believe it was Steve Sailer who coined the term “magic dirt” to refer to the belief that migrants from diverse nations and cultures can suddenly become just as American as George Washington and Thomas Jefferson when they set foot on American soil. Despite globalist media doing their best to label any such discussion as racist, the debate about exactly what it means to be American is a necessary one to have. Is America a place? Is it an idea? Or is it a people, the descendants of its founders? This question is easier with mono-ethnic nations. Ethiopia is a place inhabited by Ethiopians. Japan is a nation inhabited by the Japanese. But who decides who is American?

To the descendants of the founders, “Americans” are those whose ancestors came to a sparsely-inhabited wilderness to build a new civilization. Their founding documents are the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution, which promise to “secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity.”

To the descendants of the Ellis Island immigrants, “Americans” are those whose ancestors traveled to America on steamships in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Their founding document is Emma Lazarus’ poem inscribed on the Statue of Liberty: “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore…”

To 21st century globalist media, “Americans” are anyone who happen to walk across our borders. Perhaps their founding document will be the UN Compact on Migration, which is being debated as I write this. Though the UN itself claims this compact is non-binding, like so many globalist designs it is merely the initial attack on national sovereignty. Writing in Breitbart last week, James Delingpole examined the insidious nature of the Compact:

“Why would any country on earth sign up to a deal so very obviously against the interests of its nationals?

It’s very simple: the globalist political elite doesn’t respect nation-states, nor does it give a damn about the views of ordinary people. Indeed, it despises them so much that it would much rather make their views illegal than listen to what they have to say.”


As President Trump has said many times, if we do not have borders then we do not have a country. Borders define a place: inside the border is America; outside the border is not America. The same dichotomy exists regarding the definition of an American. Whomever meets that definition is American, whomever does not is not an American. Yet the Globalist Party is working hard to erase both distinctions.

It is these two issues – economics and demographics – that have convinced Vox Day that by 2033 the US will have ceased to exist as it does today. It is the interplay of these two ticking time bombs that is going to result in the dissolution of this country. Two years ago, Vox wrote about historical cycles of clutter and cleaning:

“The nation is already broken and divided. What is now being done to the nations of Europe was already done to the USA back in 1965. There is no longer an Anglo-American nation with a moderate admixture of other European nations, now it is a merely a political entity with dozens of rival ethnic and religious interest groups jockeying for power and a share of the income redistribution.

As with Yugoslavia, the structure will hold so long as it doesn’t come under excessive financial stress. This is why I have long predicted the 2033 timeframe, as I thought that’s about when the US dollar will fail as the global reserve currency. Considering the current state of China, it’s possible that timeframe is too optimistic, but regardless, there is still time to prepare for the Yugoslavication and dissolution of the USA.

Choose your location carefully, and with an eye to the future, as who and what you are is likely to matter with regards to your ability to remain there. I can assure you that the idea of ethnic cleansing and forced relocations on the North American continent is neither a new nor an unthinkable idea. Just ask any American Indian.”


History shows that multi-ethnic empires rarely last for long. This is one reason why I believe in self-determination for all. Peoples of different cultures often have different ideas about how society should be ordered. In a multi-ethnic empire, these different groups compete for the power to impose their preferences on the nation at large. Dissolution means we once again have the right and the ability to govern ourselves. This is why we should not fear the end of America, but welcome it and prepare for what comes next. If Vox is correct and the end of America will be reality by 2033, then we are better served being prepared rather than simply hoping it will not happen in our time.

Brian Almon is a writer and entrepreneur. In addition to Men of the West, you can find his work at The Gem State Chronicle and The National Pulse.

Brian lives with his wife and children in Idaho.

Follow Brian on Gab and Telegram.

3 Comments Leave a Reply

  1. 2033? You’re dreamin’ – this sh-t hole is already toast – – you may have 3 to 5 years max before this place goes total Balkans and city states… or worse

  2. Any link to Vox Day’s original text of 2004 predicting collapse by 2033? I looked for it and it seems to have been scrubbed off the internet…

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