An excellent posting and I immediately went to you tube to check out Mr. Morrison’s videos. Good stuff ! Thank you , Theophrastus for expanding my conservative resources.
If I were gay, I’d express my love for this guy, but since I’m not, I can only celebrate his grasp on reality and it’s many disappointments on the path to conservative enlightenment. Thanks for posting this, I’m unabashedly stealing it for my own site for further conversation.
Presently there was a stir in one of the houses, and a bat flew out of the door into the daylight, and three mice came running out of the doorway down the
It was the fourth of July, 1809, and thunderous, close evening. In Lobau, the largest of the five islands on the Danube, where were the imperial headquarters, the huge machinery of war,
An excellent posting and I immediately went to you tube to check out Mr. Morrison’s videos. Good stuff ! Thank you , Theophrastus for expanding my conservative resources.
My pleasure. I tend to spend lots of time rummaging around, looking for good resources.
If I were gay, I’d express my love for this guy, but since I’m not, I can only celebrate his grasp on reality and it’s many disappointments on the path to conservative enlightenment. Thanks for posting this, I’m unabashedly stealing it for my own site for further conversation.