Transgenders Threaten Female Sports

March 30, 2017
10 mins read

World Net Daily recently published an article[1] titled Female Athletes Crushed By ‘Women Who Were Once Men’.  The article documents a number of instances in which biologically male transgenders  have been allowed to compete in women’s events and, in some cases, have already begun winning.  The two most notable examples are:
“Transgender weightlifter Laurel Hubbard, who was born a man, won the Australian international women’s competition March 19.  Hubbard, 39, lifted 591 pounds, nearly 20 pounds more than the woman who won the silver medal…”
“Transgender cyclist Jillian Bearden, a 36-year-old biological male and Colorado Springs native, won the women’s division of the El Tour de Tucson in four hours and 26 minutes in November 2016.”
This should not come as a surprise, given that the most athletic women in the world achieve results similar to boys in their mid-teens.  To establish that fact, below are the women’s Olympic records for a number of track and field[2] and weightlifting[3] events[4], with the U.S. boys’ records[5] for comparison:

Track and Field Event Womens’ Olympic Record Boys’ U.S. Record Boys’ Age Group
100 meters 10.62 sec 10.73
200 meters 21.34
400 meters 48.25 47.16
800 meters 1:53:43 1:55:00
1500 meters 3:53:96 3:54:02 15-16
400m hurdles 52:64 51.56 15-16
4x100m relay 40.82 40.90 15-16
4x400m relay 3:15:17 3:13:40 15-16
High Jump 2.06m 2.00m
Long Jump 7.40m 7.35m 15-16
Pole Vault 5.05m 5.12m 15-16
Triple Jump 15.39m 15.08m 15-16


Weightlifting Class Event Womens’ Olympic Record Boys’ U.S Record Boys’ Age Class
Womens 63kg
Boys 62kg
Clean & Jerk
Combined Total
Womens 69kg
Boys 69kg
Clean & Jerk
Combined Total
Womens 75kg
Boys 77kg
Clean & Jerk
Combined Total

As the reader can see, in most track and field events and weightlifting classes, a peak physical condition, elite adult woman athlete performs about the same as an elite 15 year old boy.  But then, those were all individual events – perhaps women perform relatively better as a team and increase their physical performance through teamwork.  However, there are few examples of all female teams playing against all male teams in official competitive events.  There ARE examples of all female teams playing all male teams in scrimmages and unofficial matches, so that’s all the evidence we have to consider.
In many cases, women’s international teams will play against boys’ select or boys’ international teams because there simply aren’t enough elite womens’ teams to practice against.  The results of such games are surprising.
The U.K. Daily Mail reported on May 27, 2016[6], “Australia’s national women’s soccer team have suffered a devastating defeat in the lead up to the Rio Olympics – going down 7-0 to the Newcastle Jets under-15 boys side.”
Sweden’s “The Local” reported on January 16, 2013[7], “Sweden’s women’s national football team suffered a crushing defeat during a friendly in Stockholm on Tuesday… Within 30 minutes, the boys had plucked one goal from the women, despite [Sweden’s coach] asking the AIK under-17 team to take out one of its defenders and play with only 10 players on the field… The AIK boys ending beating their older, female colleagues 3-0.”
On April 23, 2013, the vaunted U.S. Women’s National Soccer Team played the U.S. Boys Under 17 National Team.  The result was 8-2 in favor of the boys, with boys’ forward Junior Flores tweeting[8], “Beat the women’s national team today, and scored two goals. Sorry hope solo” and “we won 8-2 :O lol I scored 2 goals”. [Ed note: This users tweets are only available to those who are approved by Flores].
US Women’s National Team Defender, Heather Mitts, tweeted[9], “My horse wasn’t as fast as my opponents today. #demoralizing”.  Similarly, US Women’s National Team Midfielder Shannon Boxx tweeted[10], “What a day. Scrimmaged U17 USMNT. lets just say i can barely walk tnite.”
In an article dated August 22, 2008 and titled, “Olympian Political Correctness”[11], Todd Gallagher interviewed Aaron Heifitz, publicist for the US Women’s National Soccer Team.  Heifitz “described how the women’s squad performs against the best youth club players in Southern California: “The boys’ 13s we can handle pretty consistently, but when the boys start really developing at 14, and especially 15, that’s when you start to see real separation and they pass even the best women’s players. They’re just bigger, stronger, and faster.”
Perhaps women’s soccer is less developed than other women’s team sports.  Maybe hockey will provide us with an example of higher level performance from women’s teams.
NESN published an article on January 12, 2014[12] titled “U.S. Olympic Women’s Hockey Team Preparing for Sochi Games by Playing High School Boys Teams in New England”:
“The most recent opponent on Team USA’s schedule was Dexter Southfield, which defeated the U.S. Olympians 6-3 on Sunday afternoon… Here’s a recap of Team USA’s recent pre-Olympic exhibitions against New England schools: 3-1 loss to the Salisbury School in Connecticut 2-1 win over the Taft School in Connecticut 5-2 win over Saint Sebastian in Needham… Team USA is under immense pressure to bring home the gold as the top-ranked women’s team in the IIHF world rankings.”
Once again, we see that elite women are  challenged by elite teenage boys.  But what about sports like tennis, golf, and billards?  Can women compete against men on equal footing in those sports?
Golfweek Magazine covered the issue in regards to golf[13]: “While there is no rule against women playing in PGA Tour events, only a few have attempted the feat and, as of 2012, no female golfer has succeeded in finishing a men’s tour event.”
In 1998, the UK’s The Guardian Newspaper and the AP covered an interesting pair of tennis matches[14] in which a men’s player ranked 203rd in the world played one set against first Serena Williams and then against her sister, Venus.  The Williams sisters were up and coming women’s players and Venus had already made the final of the U.S. Women’s Open.  The 203rd ranked male player defeated Serena 6-1 and then defeated Venus 6-2.
More recently, in 2013, Serena Williams has stated[15], “If I were to play [top 5 ranked male] Andy Murray, I would lose 6–0, 6–0, in 5 to 6 minutes”.
One would think that billiards would be a sport in which physical characteristics such as speed and strength would not be as significant an advantage for men.  Yet, “Jeanette “The Black Widow” Lee — formerly the world’s Number One female player — told Gallagher, “You would not believe the amount of men, in my world, who can wax me.”[16]
Science blogger at Unz Review, Razib Khan, looked at the science and stated[17], “… the very strongest female athletes are barely above the median of grip strength for men. The top 75th percentile of female athletes are below the bottom 25th percentile of men…  Ten percent of women have stronger grips than the bottom five percent of men. The difference in distributions is big enough that the very strongest non-elite athlete female in the whole data set has a weaker grip than most of the men.”
Indeed, that grip strength difference was noted in regards to Fallon Fox – a biologically male transgender who is fighting in MMA [Ed. Note: We originally stated that Fox fought in the UFC, but revised to MMA, after this error was pointed out in the comments below]In a 2014 fight[18]:
“On Saturday, Fox defeated Tamikka Brents by TKO at 2:17 of the first round of their match. In addition to [a] damaged orbital bone that required seven staples, Brents received a concussion. In a post-fight interview this week, [Brents] told Whoa TV that “I’ve never felt so overpowered ever in my life.”… “I’ve fought a lot of women and have never felt the strength that I felt in a fight as I did that night. I can’t answer whether it’s because [he] was born a man or not, because I’m not a doctor,” she stated. “I can only say, I’ve never felt so overpowered ever in my life, and I am an abnormally strong female in my own right. ”  His “grip was different,” she added. “I could usually move around in the clinch against…females but couldn’t move at all in Fox’s clinch.”
Where does all this leave us?  Well, it certainly doesn’t prove that any particular man is “better” than any particular woman at any particular physical activity – athletically elite women are likely better than the average man at “x” sport.  It also doesn’t prove that men are “better” than women in general – athletics and physical performance are of limited value and both genders have relative strengths and weaknesses.  Physical strength, speed, agility, and the like tend to be significantly higher in males.  This is largely “due to men, on average, having greater muscle mass—and a larger portion of it is fast-twitch, which allows them to generate greater force, speed, and anaerobically produced energy… [and men typically have] less body fat, more hemoglobin and muscle mass, and larger hearts and lungs than women.”[19]
It’s just the way things are, always have been, and always will be.
And that brings us full circle to the subject of the article.  When persons who are biologically male are allowed to compete in women’s sporting events, the biological male will be competing with distinct biological advantages.  A biological male who would be a middling finisher in an all-male competition would have a reasonable chance of winning an all-female competition.
Women and those running all-female competitions and sporting events need to ask themselves whether they are willing to allow other female competitors to be marginalized and prevented from fully succeeding and competing on equal footing with other females – all in support of a social justice agenda.  Transgender people are less than 1% of the population, so it is not as if biologically male transgenders will be taking up half of women’s sports teams or constitute half of the competitors in a women’s track meet.  However, it is certainly possible that biologically male transgenders could start dominating the upper levels of particular female sports or competitions.
And that is not in the best interest of the women who are competing in those events.  Some women are beginning to recognize that fact.
From the previously mentioned World Net Daily article linked on the first page of this article, referencing the biologically male transgender who won that weightlifting competition:
“Weightlifter Deborah Acason, from the Australian Weightlifting Federation, told 1 News Now she’s concerned about the fairness of [Laurel] Hubbard competing in the women’s division. “We all deserve to be on an even playing field,” Acason said. “It’s difficult when you believe that you’re not. If it’s not even, why are we doing the sport?”
Biologically male transgender weightlifter Laurel Hubbard weighed 131.83kg at the competition and competed in the Female 90+kg class[20] (note Hubbard’s distinct advantage in weight – the other competitors in female 90+ weighed from 90.01kg to 122.81kg).  If this biological male transgender had been required to compete against males, Hubbard would not have finished in the top 14 in male 105kg and would have placed last in male 105+kg.
From the same World Net Daily article in reference to the biologically male transgender who won the cycling race:
Third-place finisher Suzanne Sonya told Cycling Tips: “I’ll take her on any day, but that’s just me. I’ll take on men, too. I feel bad about saying it, but, no, I do not think it’s fair play, and I question her integrity knowing that she’s going into these events knowing that she is going to be stronger… I’m sure [Bearden] had a rough go at it. It’s very difficult to be transgender. But [when it comes to racing], it’s problematic to me that she [transitioned] only a couple years ago, and has lived 30 years as a man. Regardless of testosterone levels, she’s got muscle memory and a lung capacity that I could never build up. She was a Cat 1 as a male. I could never match a pro man. How fair is that to her female competitors?”
It should be noted that if biologically male transgender cyclist Jillian Bearden had been competing against men, Bearden would have finished MORE THAN TWENTY-FIVE MINUTES behind the third place male finisher.  And would have finished in 44th place among men[21].
WOMEN need to put a stop to this.  Biologically male transgenders may choose to live their personal lives in this country as they see fit, but they should not be permitted to compete on an unfair basis in all-female competitions unless ALL female competitors agree to their participation.  Those biologically male transgenders are already skewing the results in all-female competitions.
No one is saying that biologically male transgenders cannot compete in athletic events.  Biological male transgenders should be free to compete with other males or in mixed-gender competitions.  But there is too much physical difference between males and females for biological males to be allowed to compete in all-female events unless all of the female competitors consent.  There is a clear unfair advantage that should not be permitted.
BIO:  Rooster is an attorney, husband, father of two, and follower of Christ. He maintains that Christian values are the foundation of Western civilization and that deviation from those values will have and is having severe consequences. He has participated in a number of sports, including soccer, basketball, softball, skiing, and motocross. His soccer teams have won multiple state and city adult amateur soccer championships and in many cases included female players.
[4]Note that weight classes are not identical for womens’ and boys’ competitions.  The author has chosen the closest weight class for each.

29 Comments Leave a Reply

  1. I don’t know. From my point of view, this is just an example of women now coming face to face with the consequences of their own entryism.
    For years, they’ve been screeching to be allowed into men’s clubs, sports, groups, organizations, etc., and now there are men calling themselves women and demanding to be allowed to join into women’s sports.
    And the women who are getting their butts handed to them don’t know what to do.
    They won’t say no to these “women”, demanding entry, but neither will they point out, or even admit, that these trannies – like Fox and Hubbard – are mentally deranged men, not women.
    Either action would open them up to the usual (& absurd) accusations of misogyny or LGBTQXYZ-phobia.

    • I agree that men in dresses should not be allowed to compete with woman, period. However, years ago woman in motorcycle XC racing were up in arms that the men’s side of the sport received way more in prize than woman did. The woman in the sport refused to let it die about the prize money difference between the two groups, men and woman’s XC dirt motorcycle racing. The overseers of the sport eliminated the sport based on gender. The sport was open to all for the same prize amount. Needless to say, the woman’s side of the sport want out of existence.

    • Solution is simple, but somewhat drastic. Any athlete who wishes to compete in “womens sports” must strip from the waist down..anything which hangs more than 1″ below the crotch should be amputated b4 the game. Guys wd leave asap IMHO

      • They already have been amputated.
        That is not the problem.
        The problem is, they developed physically as men, and then chopped off their members, and reduced their ambient levels of testosterone.
        But those latter modifications, simply do not erase the original physicality that made them men in the first place.

  2. Let/make the transgenders compete against other transgenders. Problem solved, much more maybe some of them won’t become transgenders in the first place because there will be no more easy pickings.

  3. In track and field, the comparison between the women’s records and the records of mid-teen boys is even worse than it appears. The women’s records you listed through at least 1500 meters are steroid-enhanced, not to mention the field events. It is doubtful, however, that the youth records for boys are powered by steroids as it is unusual for boys that young to be introduced to PEDs.
    In many of the events you listed, the women’s records were set nearly 30 years ago and have not been approached in recent years, how that drug testing is more sophisticated than it was when the Communist Bloc nations such as East Germany dominated track during the 1980s.

  4. Trannies should be black balled completely. Medically assisting a tranny conversion should be a crime punishable by loss of medical license. Trannies are gender confused and mentally unstable. They are at a higher risk of STDs than any other “orientation”. Even the mention of them competing in sports as other than their natal gender identity should raise the moral hackles on anybody’s neck. People need to wake up and start understanding that The Sexual Revolution that started in the 1960ties was a huge con job intended to control people’s natural reproductive behavior. With this accomplished it is a short step to enslaving them in all their activities.

  5. Please note, the UFC is an organization where athletes complete in the sport of Mixed Martial Arts (MMA). There are hundreds if not thousands of MMA organizations worldwide.
    Fall Fox has competed in mostly obscure ones; she has never fought under the UFC banner.

  6. What about beauty pageants?
    Seriously, the equality that the feminist movement has demanded has fallen prey to the law of unintended consequences and I say… Let them eat cake.
    If women compete against men (self-identifying or not) and lose badly, it simply reduces the competitive nature of women’s sports. Which sounds like a win.

    • Oh, the women supporting this sort of thing are dumb – because they deny basic biological/physical facts.
      I’m happy to warn them, but I’m sure it’s going to take more than my article to convince them.

  7. You shouldn’t be bowing down to the mentally ill. If I want to be a dog, it doesn’t make me a dog. If I have a tail surgically implanted I’m still not a dog. Surgery to shorten my legs to the length of my arms still doesn’t make me a dog. Hair over all my body doesn’t make me a dog. Sleeping in a dog house, eating dog treats, barking, etc, etc, etc doesn’t make me a dog.
    Get where this is going?
    People that won’t tell these mentally ill people the truth are doing them a real disservice. Helping someone cannot be achieved by telling them a lie or agreeing with their delusions. Nor can they be helped by ignoring their mental illness.
    I’ve also never understood why a gay man would be ok under the same LGBT umbrella with someone mentally ill that would self mutilate.
    The next step is in the progression is a “P” on the end of their acronym.
    Written as “Laurel Hubbard (man)” would end a lot of unnecessary confusion for the reader.
    And the “doctors” that would accept payment for this! What has this world become?

  8. Thanks for this useful, balanced, and well-researched article. It lays the facts on the table and leaves it to the reader to decide what the implications should be.

  9. When girls become boys, girls lose.
    When boys become girls, girls lose.
    When aberrations become the norm, both lose..

  10. Renee Richards tried this in women’s tennis back in the 70’s. The issue was solved by requiring a chromosome test for entrants in order to determine their true gender. This test is what they should use to determine entry into all women’s sports.
    It does seem that the chickens are coming home to roost now that men are utilizing some of the same equality tactics that women have used in the past.

  11. The first thing that needs to be done is to stop writing articles in the fashion this author did. There’s no such bloody thing as “transgendered”. These are are male crossdressers with surgically fastened costumes, who take drugs and other extreme measures to create their disguises. If you want to be a weirdo that’s your choice. I neither have to accept nor respect that decision. I have no right to harm such a weirdo, but I do not have to honor or respect them. If it is due to mental illness, I may pity him, but I do not have to allow him to compete with my daughter or use her restroom. This insanity won’t stop until the language used to confront it is correctly used. Allowing the evil, sick manipulators to define how something will be discussed, isn’t the beginning of the end, it IS the end. If you do so, you have already lost.

  12. I get why the lame-stream media refer to transgenders by their chosen sex. But I get quite annoyed when ostensibly conservative outlets, such as WND, do so. A transgender woman is still a male, albeit mutilated at his own request. Calling a Lada a Cadillac does not make it so.

  13. Feminists to blame,not men, woman silentley enjoyed the benifits without complaning Now crying , too late , woman sport changed for ever !!!!

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