Thomas "Stonewall" Jackson – Man of the West

December 2, 2016
1 min read

Men of the West are a special breed. One of the finest of our number was General Thomas “Stonewall” Jackson, the great Confederate General. Below is a description of this godly and courageous man. This same description could be applied to all Men of the West who choose to take up the standard and fight for our people and our culture.

It cannot well be denied that Jackson possessed every single attribute which makes for success in war. Morally and physically he was absolutely fearless. He accepted responsibility with the same equanimity that he faced the bullets of the enemy. He permitted no obstacle to turn him aside from his appointed path, and in seizing an opportunity or in following up a victory he was the very incarnation of untiring energy. … A supreme activity, both of brain and body, was a prominent characteristic of his military life. His idea of strategy was to secure the initiative, however inferior his force; to create opportunities and to utilise them; to waste no time, and to give the enemy no rest. …That he felt to the full the fascination of war’s tremendous game we can hardly doubt. Not only did he derive, as all true soldiers must, an intense intellectual pleasure from handling his troops in battle so as to outwit and defeat his adversary, but from the day he first smelt powder in Mexico until he led that astonishing charge through the dark depths of the Wilderness his spirits never rose higher than when danger and death were rife about him. With all his gentleness there was much of the old Berserker about Stonewall Jackson, not indeed the lust for blood, but the longing to do doughtily and die bravely, as best becomes a man. His nature was essentially aggressive. He was never more to be feared than when he was retreating, and where others thought only of strong defensive positions he looked persistently for the opportunity to attack.

Description taken from: George Francis Robert Henderson in Stonewall Jackson and the American Civil War (1904), Ch. 25 : The Soldier and the Man, p. 480 – 481

Lead Scheduler at MOTW. Husband, Father, but most importantly, a man of God. Possesses more degrees that most people find useful.

5 Comments Leave a Reply

  1. Unfortunately in our modern, revisionist, pc culture, confederates are portrayed as two dimensional bigots. This is because the narrative goes that the civil war (war of Northern aggression) was about slavery. The war was about taxes on exports of cotton from the south to Europe, which taxes were used to build infrastructure in the increasingly industrial north. Slavery, or more importantly, preservation of the union and states rights were both rallying cries to get the people behind the respective causes. Money is the cause of most wars, and people are enlisted through rhetoric that is dear to their hearts. This war was no different. Men, such as Stonewall Jackson and Robert E Lee, who fought for the south were men of integrity who saw that their cause was larger than they.

  2. Love the website and trying to follow a few things. Proud to say my great-grandfather served, eventually as a sergeant, in the Stonewall brigade from Harper’s ferry to the battle of the wilderness. Trying to teach my son that his scotch-irish ancestors fought because their land was invaded by what they saw as foreigners. What they teach him in school is a retcon lie about his people.

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