Gay male wedding figurines

The Nashville Statement

August 31, 2017
2 mins read

When the Council on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood issued a 14-point statement affirming historical Christian teaching on sex and sexuality, the left completely flipped its biscuit:

It’s terribly anti-gay and transgender and sadly, this is what the group wants their fellow evangelicals to go out and preach to members.
Among the articles of the statement, they deny that God created marriage to exist between gay people. They also say that difference between males and females are of God’s creation and that they are not a “tragedy to overcome,” implying that transgender people are be (sic) going against the Bible if they identify with another sex. The document spells out their anti-gay and trans thoughts by declaring in article seven that “We deny that adopting a homosexual or transgender self conception is consistent with God’s holy purposes.” So in other words, if you’re gay or trans, God is not okay with you. Article eight slams same-sex attraction for going against “God’s original creation.”
Article 10 makes our blood boil as they “affirm that it is sinful to approve of homosexuality and transgenderism and that approving of it “departs from Christian faithfulness.” Well then so much for TOLERANCE which Jesus teaches in the Bible!

Picture of Jesus with a sword
Not the most tolerant fellow

Except that Jesus does not teach tolerance in the Bible; He teaches God’s will.
The most amusing thing about Hollywood Life‘s hyperventilation over these 14 points* is that it treats the teaching that Jesus gave 2000 years ago as if it’s not been a foundational premise of Western culture for nearly 20 centuries and of Hebrew culture for 20 centuries before that.
Yes, hysterical leftist, Jesus really denies that God created marriage to exist between gay people. And He says that the differences between men and women are God’s purposeful design:

[F]rom the beginning of creation, ‘God made them male and female.’ ‘Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and hold fast to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh.’ So they are no longer two but one flesh. (Mark 10:6-8, ESV)

God created them male and female**. A man shall hold fast to his wife.  It does not take a logician to see that ‘marrying’ outside Christ’s stated design, or pretending that you are of a sex that you’re not, or even approving of such confusion (Rom 1:32) departs from Christian teaching. This is not even controversial, but is rooted in history, culture, theology, and, I might add, biology.***
The question before us is not, Does Christianity affirm gay relationships, sexual disorientation, and extramarital sex? It assuredly does not and never has. If someone presents a religion that does, it’s not Christianity, because it does not follow Christ’s teaching. Words have to mean things.
No, the question is whom we will serve.  Will we follow, teach, and promote Jesus’ teachings on sex and marriage even in the reddened, spitting face of modern popular hysteria?  Or will we deny our God’s design for mankind in exchange for the praise of gossip columnists and modern, sophisticated metrosexuals?
Choose this day.
* An unfortunate coincidence, I’m sure.
** Humans, like all mammals, exist in two sexes and zero genders.
*** It’s hard to imagine a more obvious evolutionary dead end than homosexuality.

El Borak is an historian by training, an IT Director by vocation, and a writer when the mood strikes him. He lives in rural Kansas with his wife of thirty years, where he works to fix the little things.

11 Comments Leave a Reply

  1. Many on the religious left would affirm that our natural appetites can be disordered.
    If we hunger too much for food, we can be gluttonous. If we hunger too much for righteousness, we risk treading into wrath. If we hunger wrongly for things, we become envious.
    But all those are natural desires. We need food to live. We desire to be righteous. We need some material goods to keep warm and provide for our family?
    Why then, is it not possible for them to see that just as there are improper places for food, righteousness, and material things, that there are proper and improper places and ways to use sex?
    If God is the God of your life, then He should be the God of your sex life. If He is not the God of your sex life, why is He God in the rest of your life?

    • “Why then, is it not possible for them to see … that there are proper and improper places and ways to use sex?”
      Oh, I think that they would agree that there are such places. There aren’t many “Christian” defenders of bestiality, rape, pedophilia, and the like. But there will be. The liberal Christian’s major problem is that he lacks mooring… he merely floats with the times. As the times change, he changes, because he wishes foremost to be seen as progressive, sophisticated, intellectual. There are plenty of Christians who approve of the gay parody of marriage today that didn’t approve of it 20 years ago. What has changed? Not scripture. Only the flow of modernity’s river.
      But a second problem is that people have a hard time balancing emotion with logic. What I mean by this is that we may know that
      a) sodomy is a sin, and
      b) unrepentant sinners go to hell.
      But that is often complicated by c) I have a gay friend/brother/son.
      Since it is painful to imagine my gay friend going to hell, either (a) or (b) must go. Since I still want (enter Hitler du jour here) to go to hell, I have to keep (b). (a) must therefore be sacrificed for my emotional well-being. Liberals being primarily creatures of emotion, it’s easy to understand how they can re-write logic to protect their emotional core.

  2. Ah, modern thought. Deny that there is objective truth. Then spew poison when Truth comes along and shines its light. It truly is a desire to kill the King and put oneself as master of all the cosmos. But this is no new problem, not even just a human one. Perhaps I am mistaken on calling this “modern”.

    • “Then spew poison when Truth comes along and shines its light”
      The article is a textbook example of what Larry Corriea dubbed the “Point and Shriek” tactic of argumentation. Note that the leftist does not even pretend to make a case that the Nashville Statement is factually incorrect about anything. She just points at it and shrieks about how butthurt she is that other people said something she doesn’t like.
      But yes, it’s also what Jesus said*: “This is the judgment, that the Light has come into the world, and men loved the darkness rather than the Light, for their deeds were evil. For everyone who does evil hates the Light, and does not come to the Light for fear that his deeds will be exposed” — John 3:19-20
      * in one of his less tolerant moments.

  3. […] God created them male and female**. A man shall hold fast to his wife. It does not take a logician to see that ‘marrying’ outside Christ’s stated design, or pretending that you are of a sex that you’re not, or even approving of such confusion (Rom 1:32) departs from Christian teaching. This is not even controversial, but is rooted in history, culture, theology, and, I might add, biology.*** […]

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