The Modern Crusader

December 1, 2016
3 mins read

There is the disturbing and utterly false idea that a Christian must always turn the other cheek, no matter the provocation. Not only is this false in both scriptural context as well as historical fact, it is, in fact, a heresy, a crime and a sin to do so at times.

In Catholic catechism, it is in fact a duty to protect and defend against the attacks of enemies, regardless of their nature being spiritual or material.

And if you happen to belong to one of the heretic sects of Churchianity that thinks the Catholics are wrong, bite me, Churchian. The Catholics ARE the reason Western Civilisation exists. They stopped the Saracens (that’s Muslim invaders to you illiterate Millennials) in the only way those savage demon-spawns understand: by killing them. A lot. And throwing their Satanic asses and foul, demonic practices back into the sea. The first crusade was not only a good thing, it was a great thing. Of course in its details it can be vicious, messy, cruel, but never as much as the perverse violence the Islamists inflicted on the Levant and Europe for centuries before the Christians responded.

Read up on what the crusades actually were by going back to source historical documents from both sides. If you do nothing else on this read at least the book by Harold Lamb, The Crusades (no subtitles, published in 1942).

What does that have to do with Christianity today? Everything.

Being a Christian means having a clear and absolute position on good and evil.

We are human and fallible, so we must temper our zeal with compassion and love, but sometimes, that means kicking ass. Not metaphorically either, and it is true, never in the name of God, for God is love, and we do not know enough of it to be able to act in accordance with it. If you are brave, good, kind and filled with God’s love enough to be a martyr for him, then we salute you and respect you. But if you are not one of the true martyrs, you either get your shield and sword and stand next to us and start swinging, or you’re a Churchian, in which case… woe betide you,  because you’re gonna be on the other side of my shield and sword.kurgan-2
The only alternative left is that you’re a woman or a child or somehow infirm, and as such, deserving of protection. If so, of course, you are automatically completely, utterly, and irrevocably, precluded from having any position that gives you authority, or even just input, into anyone or anything beyond yourself.
Do you know why churches are dying? Because of Churchianity. The feminisation of churches. The inclusivity, feminist, mind-rot, Marxist infestation of truth with wormtongue things like Vatican II.

Stop being a pussy. Be a man. Read your Bible. Read the Catechism of the Council of Trent (pre Vatican II infestation) Read the 1917 Pio-Benedictine Canon Law (sotto, free of Vatican II infestation).

Know that it is your DUTY to speak out against lies and liars, to fight, and if need be, go to war to defend truth.

Yes, homosexuality is a perversion. Yes, it leads to further perversion. Look it up. Read the statistics. Yes, NAMBLA is evil and it and everyone in it should be cleansed with purifying fire and the land where they stood salted for good measure. No, we are not all equal. No, we never will be. No, you are not that special, like Shania Twain said in the song. Yes, truth matters. Always. No, it’s not relative. Yes, it IS absolute. Yes, we are all sinners, but if you think you can use some kind of guilt trip to prevent me from bashing your skull in if you deserve it, you got another thing coming to you.

I don’t care what skin color you have. That’s right. I don’t care. If you are black and you behave like a monkey on crack, you are gonna meet with some harsh truth. And your little bitch-squealing of “racisss!” will mean precisely fuck all to me, nigger.

I don’t care if you think our white skin makes us Aryan brothers. Fuck you and your Nazi inbred faggotry. I don’t care.

Here is what I care about: Truth.

You lie, and I see you doing it, you are a liar. Whether nigger, kike, white trash, spic, dago, fag, dyke, or whatever other deviant bucket-job you happen to be.

If  you care about the truth and fight for it, I’ll fight right alongside you. Even if you’re a Goddamned gay Protestant.

No. None of us is clean. Not one. So don’t you forget it when you try and get one over me or mine, or my friends, or my city, or anything I care about. I will club you in the face like a damned barbarian. And if I feel too bad about it, I’ll go to confession and say a few Hail Marys afterwards. But I will turn no cheek to you, liar.

25 Comments Leave a Reply

  1. Yes, this is a modern crusade. Our land has been invaded by the godless Liberal and the satanic Muslim. And there is no appeasing them.

    • “And there is no appeasing them.”
      Unless their boot is on your neck or you are dead.
      Nuts to that. I’ll build a wall out of their dead if it comes down to choice between me and mine and them.

  2. Abortion? Over 40+ years, 60 million innocents dead. 3000 today.
    No one even thinks about it or mentions it even when they talk tough about other things like gays.

    • The only thing that is protecting the abortionists is the thin veneer of civilization backed by the power of the State.
      Both of those things are being eroded.

  3. One can never appease evil.
    Too many “Christians” have never bothered to read all of the Scriptures. In regards to evil, there was no middle ground. In the New Testament, Jesus did not mince words.

  4. The only alternative left is that you’re a woman or a child or somehow infirm, and as such, deserving of protection. If so, of course, you are automatically completely, utterly, and irrevocably, precluded from having any position that gives you authority or even just input into anyone or anything beyond yourself.
    Normally I would agree with you completely. But, I myself am infirm (wheelchair bound) and in need of physical protection. However, I am not mentally or, especially, spiritually infirm. In fact, I protect others spiritually through my efforts (payer, charity, counseling). God sometimes chooses the weak things of the world to shame the strong.
    Either way, I cannot wield a sword, but I can wield the courage of a warrior, armed with prayer and the pen.

    • And that’s fine. But precisely because you are wheelchair bound, as a rule, you would NOT be given any authority over anyone or anything beyond yourself.
      You would not have any part in the running of an ideal city state of Christian crusaders.
      You would, of course, be free to write, speak, produce art, or whatever other activity you can do that interests you WITHIN those City walls. But you would it be manning the City walls not have a say in how that is done.
      This is not a thing to be ashamed or sad about. It is just what is best for Civilisation. There are things about a Civilised Christendom that would be uncomfortable for me to submit to as well. But I would. For that is what civilisation entails. Submission to God and a greater good.
      Besides, with Catholics there can always be deserved exceptions. It’s part of why I like them best.

  5. All fine and well, and I’m beginning to like the blog.
    I do have to take issue with one paragraph here. So, let me get this straight: Stephen Hawking can’t stand up with a sword and shield, therefore he’s excluded from ANY position of authority beyond his personal needs? Huh.
    What about the man whom some argue was the greatest, shrewdest, farthest-seeing conqueror of all time, FDR?
    Some brains are more valuable than the sum of their physical body parts.

    • Stephen Hawkins should have no place in the direct defence of the realm, correct. If his physics theories help design a better laser turret to keep the orcs outside the walls at bay, great, but he doesn’t get a vote on how that is done.
      No skin in the game, no authority in it.
      The same goes for almost all women and children excepting extremely unusual circumstances.

  6. Hawking produces his own brand of blasphemy against God, and unbelief. There would be no room in the city for him unless he repents.

  7. “If you are brave, good, kind and filled with God’s love enough to be a martyr for him, then we salute you and respect you. But if you are not one of the true martyrs, you either get your shield and sword and stand next to us and start swinging…”
    I just saw Hacksaw Ridge. I was curious how Mel Gibson, a traditionalist Catholic, would tell the story of a Seventh-day Adventist conscientious objector. There is a subtle dynamic in the film which I think speaks toward what you wrote in this article. Is the main character, Desmond Doss, morally or spiritually superior to the other soldiers? Perhaps. But only because he makes himself a servant of those men, quite literally. Furthermore, there is a counterpole to Doss in the character of Smitty, whose bravery matches that of Doss. In one scene, Smitty saves Doss’ life by shooting the Japanese soldier who is attacking him, thus showing a sort of dependency of the one upon the other.

  8. Your city sounds like a nightmare land filled with limp dick white boys. Have fun jerking each other off. Cheers!

  9. So you must Hate the Pope? He said A relationship with Jesus is a dangerous thing? Did you see him Kissing the feet of Muslim Invaders? Do you see him spreading the False Doctrine that Allah is the God we pray too? Catholicism is an Apostate Church known as the Harlot in Revelation so you can bite me mate. If you read the Bible for yourself then you would know the Truth. Hey I’m all for Crusades but take the Antichrist Pope and jump.

    • If you read Kurgan’s posts here, you know that he is no fan of the current pope, nor what is normally called the Catholic Church.

  10. The Reformation answered this conclusively, so neither Protestants nor members of the Roman Church have any excuse for pacifism.

    God has ordained the ministers of civil government to avenge his wrath on the wicked. This is literally written in Romans 13:4. Period. While we are admonished to leave vengeance to God, how does God avenge his wrath on the wicked? Through the men of the (Christian) State. Although “defending human rights” and “protecting the innocent” are presumably fine things, Christian State officials are authorized to avenge God’s wrath for its own sake. Meanwhile, God has (obviously) ordained the Church to preach the Gospel and administer the Sacraments, and reject and condemn all heresies.

    “We are human and fallible, so we must temper our zeal with compassion and love”

    We who? There is no command for Christian State officials to “temper” anything, although it is certainly within their rights to show mercy to the repentant.

    On the other hand, random Christian citizens are certainly not authorized to take the law into their own hands. In the last resort this may be the lesser evil, but seeking vengeance against the wicked is properly the role of the government officials.

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