There are a lot of strange things that have happened in 2020, and a lot of unprecedented things, but today I want to talk about just one of them. Because it’s not often that we get to see something genuinely new. And this is new, make no mistake.
We’ve all watched as the media have stonewalled and buried the coverage of the fraud of the 2020 election. The standard excuse for this is that the claims of fraud are baseless and have no evidence to back them up.
This is obviously a lie. Witness testimony is evidence. In court it is among the most important and valuable evidence there is. In fact it is more important than even scientific evidence. Scientific evidence requires corroboration. Witness testimony does not.
So what’s interesting here is that we have the media saying not that there is no evidence, but that the evidence put forth is not good enough for them.
The media have made themselves judge and jury. They are no longer asking for evidence, they are asking for proof. Before the media will report on the fraud, the fraud must first be proven to them. As if they are our rulers and keepers now. This is disgusting, and it is infecting even the few media types out there that still value the truth like Tucker Carlson.
The media report stories. They do not play judge and jury about what is and is not crime or is or is not fraud.
We need to talk about the real cost of what’s happened these last four years. What we have really lost is the tradition of the peaceful transition of power. By screaming about Russia for four years and claiming the election was stolen, what Obama and Hillary have actually done is undermine our entire election system. And now, now we have an actual majority on both sides that doubt the legitimacy of U.S. elections. That right there — that alone — destroys the peaceful transition of power.
There are two ways to transition from one party’s leadership to the next. One way is an old American tradition, the peaceful transition of power. The other…
Well, that is an even older American tradition.