Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5
By now you should recognize how the various leftist movements in our country today seek to create a new civilization that inverts the moral and social order that has sustained Christendom for two thousand years. What was an academic insurrection in the 1970s is now the establishment. The revolutionaries of yesterday are the professors, pundits, and politicians of today. Now that they are in power, they are doubling down on their efforts to shape the next generation.
Of all the damage that Marxism has done to our culture, its control of education is by far the worst. In a recent podcast, Dr. James Lindsay said, “If we could cure every bit of the woke problem in our country right now except education, we’d be back in the same problems within five to ten years. It’s that bad.” The latest tactic for inculcating our children in a Marxist worldview is something called Social and Emotional Learning.

SEL was originally conceived as a process to intervene with children who were at risk of learning issues, mental illness, or other maladies. Even if we assume good intentions, we must keep in mind that the entire educational system has been perverted from one that produces good citizens to one that creates Marxist revolutionaries. That means that even if we accept the premise that SEL was initially created for good reasons, should we trust the people in the current system to use it for good?