The Death of McCain the Traitor

August 28, 2018
4 mins read

Senator John McCain, husband, father, traitor, died this past August 25th. This was about 50 years later than he should have died. He should have been executed for treason during the Vietnam Era. Some say not to speak ill of the dead, but dying doesn’t magically transform an evil man in to one to be revered; the false narrative must be countered, the truth must be told.
The esteemed Alan Stang wrote an article about McCain back in 2008 and this is what he had to say:

Toiling daily for many years in a suburb of Phoenix is a lady unknown to most Americans. But the moving finger that writes history loves to play little jokes. A man named Hussein, many of whose relatives are Muslims, who cavorts with Communists, has a voting record worse than Hillary’s and belongs to a racist, anti-American church, could be our next President, because a man named Jack Ryan fell out with his wife, about which more in a piece to come.
And the moving finger could be about to push the Phoenix lady into prominence. She is Patty Hopper. Mrs. Hopper is the wife of retired Army Colonel Earl Hopper, an airborne troop, whose troublesome knees she attributes to his penchant for “jumping out of perfectly good airplanes.” She runs an outfit called Task Force Omega and spends most of her waking hours researching the hundreds of U.S. military men every Administration has left behind in Southeast Asia since Richard Nixon and Henry Kissinger disgraced the Oval Office.
One of those men is Colonel Earl Hopper, Jr., who was shot down in the area and never recovered. Another man she knows almost everything about is John Sidney McCain, putative Republican presidential candidate this year. That is why she could come to well deserved prominence. On a video I saw recently, Mrs. Hopper explained one aspect of McCrud’s long career. Task Force Omegaï’s URL is Or call her at (623) 979-5651.
We all know that the North Vietnamese Communists became quite proficient at shooting down our planes. How? In order to get medical treatment for his injuries when he was shot down, John Sidney McCrud told them what to do. He told them the altitude our aircraft were flying, their heading, where and when they would turn and how they entered North Vietnam. He told them which targets had been selected, a bridge, an ammo or fuel dump, a railroad, etc.
Col. Hopper, Sr. explains what the Communists did with the information McCrud provided them. The Vietnamese “naturally moved their anti- aircraft defenses into those areas and built them up and strengthened them. They also moved the rockets, aircraft weapons, into the ‘package route’ where the airplanes were flying in or egressing. The result of this, according to the information that came out later on, in intelligence, was that the Vietnamese started knocking down our aircraft in greater amounts than they had before. In fact, there was an estimate that we started losing 60% more aircraft and more men than we had previously. This went on for about a month, and it got so bad, that they finally called off the bombing of North Vietnam because of the information that McCain had given to them.”
No doubt this is the reason John Sidney McCrud has worked as frenetically as he has to bury DOD records about what happened there. No doubt it helps explain why he has prevented the return of POWs we know are still there and why he has been so inexcusably rude to POW families. He has managed to sequester some thirty two treason tapes he made for North Vietnam, but men who returned from captivity and who are still alive have heard them.
So, in a few respects at least, John Sidney McCrud is very like Hillary Rodham Clinton. Both of them are extremely obnoxious. Both routinely drop the F-Bomb on whoever happens to get in their way. Both scream loudly to get it. Some politicians are associated in the public mind with certain crimes. If I say, “Harding,” you think Teapot Dome. If I say, “Nixon,” you think Watergate. If I say, “Barney Frank,” you automatically think buggery and sodomite prostitution.
But when I say “McCrud,” or “Hillary,” you don’t know where to start. In both cases, there is a lifelong train of unspeakable crime. In the womanoid’s career, for instance, there are those dozens of corpses, including the women and children who died in the massacre at Waco.
There is the rape victim she intimidated, to protect Attorney General husband Bill, the rapist. It continues today. As I write, she must testify in a trial for fraud in Los Angeles. And has she hired dozens of private detectives, just in case any of those 800 super delegates have anything in their pasts they could be blackmailed about, like bareback Client No. 9, who has just resigned as Governor of New York?
In McCrud’s case, there are the fellow Navy pilots who died because of the information he gave the Communist enemy. Indeed, there are the some 132 men he killed himself on the U.S.S. Forrestal. Of course we shall go through all of this in pieces to come. We shall certainly cover Hussein, but he is not old enough to have done anything resembling the exploits of these others.

Stang lays out just some of McCain’s bloody legacy. The man never met a group of people he didn’t want to bomb. The McCain Feingold Act was a Constitutional abomination and his blind hatred for Trump seemed to be a mixture of jealousy and fear that his Deep State buddies were about to be exposed. And don’t forget to look up McCain’s “Tokyo Rose” recordings if this hasn’t convinced you enough.
The flags flew at half-staff over the White House as per protocol, but it was just a polite fiction. Apparently now, McCain’s body is going to lie in state first at the Arizona Capitol and then in D.C through an agreement made by Mitch McConnell and coordinated with Paul Ryan, Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi. More puppet theater. A last gasp at trying to legitimize the legacy of a traitorous bastard.
So, good riddance you filthy pig, you didn’t serve your country, you served yourself. Now you face judgement.

8 Comments Leave a Reply

  1. I hold no brief for John McCain – but the statements quoted here about the deaths on the Forrestal are simply not true. There is video footage of the initial explosions on the Forrestal, the cause has been documented and is well known. I have seen the tape – it was used as a aid in damage control training, I served on the Forrestal – two generations later, but the story of that day was still part of the ships lore and I am confident that whoever made these claims regarding John McCain and the Forrestal is either lying or has been duped by a liar.
    The explosions were caused by a live missile that cooked off when inadvertently exposed to a hot air exhaust. The missile happened to be part of the payload on the plane flown by John McCain, but he had nothing at all to do with the incident, it was a mishap due entirely to events that took place on the flight deck and that were out of his control.
    This is hardly news to navy veterans. Frankly, I’d have expected better vetting for something posted here. I find the inclusion of this falsehood disappointing and unworthy of this site.
    The standards here should be higher.

    • That’s the OFFICIAL story, but his daddy had the influence to cover it up. Seems to me the crew wasn’t really told the truth and anyone close enough to see what really happened was one of the ones killed. Frankly, given what else is known about him, I have no reason NOT to believe it. But, given that I don’t the resources to go do the entire investigation for myself (and neither do you so your claim that he didn’t is just as suspect) I’m standing by this version of it.
      But let’s just say McCain isn’t responsible for that disaster, it doesn’t excuse his other treacherous behavior.

      • It’s hard to “cover up” a video tape that shows what this one shows and has been in general release for over 30 years now. It’s actual flight deck footage, and has been used as a damage control training aid for literally generations of sailors at this point. You can see the blower. You can see the missile on the plane and you can see the initial explosion – and I have seen recording of all these things and have no reason to doubt the veracity of that record. There is no doubt here. Hard as it may be to believe, this time, the official story is actually the real one. The “crew” didn’t care about the truth at the time, they cared about putting the fire out. Afterwards, everyone learned the truth. It was a mishap, a stupid mistake by a flight deck crew busy prepping a combat sortie in a war zone. The kind of tragic and lethal mistake that sometimes happens at sea despite our best efforts. There was no conspiracy here, and if the name on the side of the plane had been “Smith” instead of “McCain” – no one would even remember whose plane carried the missile that cooked off.
        You can “stand… by this version of it”, except that “this version of it” offers nothing, other than the slander that “there are the some 132 men he killed himself on the U.S.S. Forrestal” – really? And how did he do that exactly? What facts are offered to support this fantastic claim? What chain of events would make this even possible?
        As someone who has actually been on a flight deck, watched flight ops and seen flight deck video live feed – I will tell you that that statement is simply not credible. It comes off as exactly what it is – an attempt to use the tragedy to smear John McCain in the hope that those who do not know the history of that day, and who are already pre-disposed to think ill of the man, will add this incident to his list of supposed “crimes”.
        I can’t speak to the other claims here, and I am no fan of John McCain, but the inclusion of these clearly false allegations – and their representation as fact, tends to cast doubt on this entire piece in my mind.
        As I said, the standards should be higher here.

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