The Ballad of Amanda Robb

October 6, 2018
1 min read

If you’ve been following us for a while, you know that we’re fans of the Alt-Hero comics.  This week, Reveal News published a hit piece that was supported by the work of “Journalist” Amanda Robb.  We put the word journalist in because, if we want to be polite about what she did, can best be described as selling out her journalistic ethos for a payday and letting her work be used for a cheap hit piece.
Believe it or not, up until I saw how low she had really sunk, I felt sorry for her.  Pax Dickinson sent her on a complete wild goose chase, wasting several days of her time.  It seemed a little excessive to me at the time.  But, having seen hit piece number one – that she not only contributed to but participated in and lent her name to, I’m starting to think that maybe my feelings were misplaced. But it’s worse than what you can tell on the surface.  You know it’s not true because they start off by labeling Vox as a White Nationalist.  Vox isn’t a white nationalist, even if his particular political views aren’t best described as “mainstream”.
But, Vox put out one of his Darkstreams where he gave a glimpse into what he had talked about with Amanda, and which of the things in the article were knowingly false statements.  That include but are not limited to:

  • Vox Day is a white nationalist
  • Vox Day is some kind of secret identity that is intended to mean The Voice of God
  • The Alt in Alt Hero means Alt-Right
  • The denial of Vox Day’s Native American Heritage.

She knew all these things were false, and they made it into this piece anyway.
Amanda Robb is FakeNews.  We will be eagerly watching to see how her article goes for Rolling Stone.  It ought to be right up there with their story on the fraternity rape house.

2 Comments Leave a Reply

  1. Pax’s runaround was the stuff of legends. It’s too bad that more people don’t refuse to speak to the press in such an innovative and entertaining manner.

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