As I sit here writing this, it is early afternoon, Friday, November 8th, 2024. It has been a scant 3 days since Trump’s comeback. And I don’t feel the same kind of excitement that I felt in 2016 when he won the first time. It’s a sense of seriousness. And I think that it feels that way because the stakes are so much higher this time around.
Yes, Trump won. But as much work has gone into getting Trump an electoral victory that can’t be frauded away, we all know that the real work hasn’t even begun. In 2016 we wanted to Make America Great Again. In 2024 all I can say is that we want to make America America again.
The last 4 years have put into sharp focus what was stolen from us. That the America we grew up in got lost somewhere along the way. The censorship. The open attempts to make us unemployable. The warmongering. The debasement of the money supply. The pure vilification that we experienced at the hands of whatever you want to call this regime. And yes, even the demands that we condone the mutilation of children in the name of “acceptance”. This past 4 years has been something different. Something evil. Something meant to break us and turn us into something we are not and have never been.
But somewhere along the line, God decided that we were worth giving another chance to. How else can one explain an assassin’s bullet missing Donald Trump by a fraction of an inch? How else could you explain that not only is Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. on OUR side, but we don’t have to qualify that? Never in my life did I think I would be excited to have a Kennedy in government. But if Trump follows through on his promise to put Kennedy in charge of HHS and let him clean house, the good he can do is beyond my ability to articulate here.
And it’s not just the FDA, the CDC, the NIH, and all the other agencies out there that have to be reformed. The FBI is a mess. The January 6th arrests showed us that the FBI can find people when they want to. And apparently arresting BLM rioters isn’t something they want to do. But putting grandmas who accidentally took an unauthorized tour of the Capitol in Federal prison is apparently a worthwhile use of their time. This is the same FBI that in the post 2020 election chaos didn’t lift a finger to look into any of the allegations that were flying around. Having the FBI clearly take allegations of electoral fraud seriously would have done a lot to cool things down. But they wouldn’t. And as such, the entire place needs to be gutted. I’m not even sure it can be fixed and reformed. It might have to be shut down and its legitimate duties given to other, less dishonest law enforcement agencies.
Getting to the bottom of the rot in the national security apparatus will be hard. But we have a few first steps. We need to immediately revoke clearance of everybody that signed that Russian disinformation letter in 2020 about Hunter Biden’s laptop. Second, we need to start declassifying things. There are some things that are better off not getting into the public sphere. But in order for that to happen, the people entrusted with what should and should not be classified have to be honest and trustworthy. Frankly, that trust is beyond broken at this point. Some things will have to come out that might be dangerous. Or unpleasant. Or embarrassing to our allies. But declassification has to happen. It’s not optional. Classification of information has been abused to cover up crimes. When that happens, the only way to restore trust is to open the whole system up, remove the cancer, and start over.
None of this is going to just happen. There’s too many people getting rich. There’s too many people running their own little fiefdoms in what is supposed to be a government of the people, by the people, for the people. But if America is going to survive, the real America, not just some land mass named America, it has to happen. And yes, people are willing to kill for it. The attempt on Trump’s life in Butler, PA wasn’t something that happened because of incompetence. He was set up to die. And so we know that killing is on the table for those whose power is threatened by Trump. But we have a chance.
We can clearly see that American history can be neatly divided into different chapters. Pre-Revolutionary. The Revolution to the Civil War. The Civil War to World War II, and World War II until now. With God’s grace and some hard work, we can start a new chapter in American history. And yes. It will be American.
Buckle up. This ride is just getting started.

There’s so much going on right now, it’s hard to pick out my favorite, but my biggest surprise is, as you said, “Never in my life did I think I would be excited to have a Kennedy in government.” Yet, here I am, cheering on a Kennedy!
The old political structures are being shook apart right in front of our eyes.