There has been a lot of digital ink spilled over the past couple of days regarding the NFL players taking a knee during the national anthem. There’s clearly a lot of people that are very offended by it, but this article isn’t going to be about that directly. Sure, it was the intent of Colin Kaepernick to do something that many people would find exceedingly vexing to draw attention to his cause (which was the whole Black Lives Matter movement, but that has also been lost in the whole kerfluffle). The First Amendment says that the government can’t make you salute the flag. The NFL could enforce their rules, and they probably should, but that’s not what I want to talk about either, because it’s not even been a week and that’s been done to death.
The real reason this is a problem is because it’s an assault from the political left on our culture as Americans. The SJW’s have invaded yet another space and are demanding that everybody virtue signal for the right causes or else. No matter how you feel about the US Flag and the US Anthem, it’s an important part of the national culture. And this has all been kicked into overdrive since Trump made his opinion on the matter known. And now, we’re seeing a never ending series of people dropping to their knees to virtue signal that they hate Donald Trump.
And here’s where we get to the heart of the matter. Conservatives and Christians have been losing the culture since the 1960’s. Every time there’s a new front that opens, we fall back. Churches lose their tax exempt status if they say something that upsets a politician, and it’s just accepted, and we fall back. Abortion is shoved down our throats, and we fall back. The government taxes us to pay for abortion, and we fall back. Prayer gets thrown out of public schools and we fall back. Christmas becomes a hateful word, and we fall back. The government takes over health care, demands we pay for abortion and abortifacients, and we fall back. Marriage – a sacrament of the Church – is taken from us and perverted in ways that the Church can only consider to be heresy, and we fall back. Lets face it, our backs are to the wall. Barack Obama wanted to “fundamentally transform” the United States, and this is the sort of transformation he was talking about. We are looking at the very realistic possibility of a Post-Christian America, where the history that we had, that tells us who we are and where we have come from, is wiped out and the shiny new Secular Utopia comes into being. Confederate statues being wiped out, our national symbols and traditions ceasing to matter, the left is actively trying to wipe out our cultural memory so that they can reshape us into something new.
And sometimes, cultures die. Sometimes, I look around, and I certainly feel like maybe I’m just a relic of a time long since passed. I see “Conservatives” taking shots at Donald Trump when he says something right, but just in a way that they don’t approve of, and that’s why we keep losing these fights. “Conservatism” is dead in the United States, and it’s because it has become infested with Cheese Eating Surrender Monkeys who would rather go down to a glorious and noble defeat than push back against the enemies of western civilization for risk of offending them. But here’s the thing – if you’ve felt the despair at seeing your culture thrown away and thought you were the last man left who cared, it turns out that you are not alone, there’s more of us than we get credit for.
And that is why the time has come for the Hard Right. Conservatism is dead, and while we may continue to use the term “Conservative,” the movement that used the name has become so infested and overrun with quislings looking for a communist to surrender to, that it is no longer salvageable. The way forward is The Hard Right Manifesto.
So, why does the whole taking a knee thing matter? Because we aren’t willing to fall back anymore. Welcome to the Hard Right.

Fantastic article. It is time to quit falling back, conserving crap that is no longer worth conserving, and start advancing.
Nice article Avenger,
The whole idea about taking a knee in general is reprehensible to me, as I bow to no king or cause. Getting down on both knees to humbly beseech the governor of the universe for guidance is the only reason I will bow or get down on my knees.
We have been working under a fatally flawed assumption that we can fight the darkness the deceiver brings playing by the Queens rules. At this point I feel as if not much is left worth defending other than my family. The law of the jungle is not the same as the ‘LAW’ written in our hearts from the beginning of time. We have failed to understand this one fact and still think we can fight powers not of this world with our stubborn human nature. All this will bring is defeat as cheese eaters and surrender monkeys work for the hidden hand of the dark side.
We must fervently strive to follow the ‘LAW’ of our creator. This means the commandments, and keeping the covenant so as to become Gods demonstration people. All else is spittle and phlegm. The covenant God made in the beginning contains blessings and curses, it seems to me IMHO that at this point in time we have been given over to curses because of our lack of knowledge with regard to keeping our part of Gods covenant. God always keeps his word for good or bad. If enough of us work towards the goal of establishing Gods kingdom of heaven on earth, there will be no more silly laws of evil men. All that is required of us is to hear the voice of the I AM, follow what it tells us in scripture as regards to following the commandments (THE LAW) and fulfilling our part of his holy covenant.
I don’t think I’ve ever read any commentary reply with which I more whole-heartedly concur?
You, sir, understand the big picture and have the vision of our Founders.
You have the right of it, sir.
Must not be a military service member, if you were you’d know “Taking the Knee” is honoring, at the funeral, a service member whose fallen in battle.
The second reason for “Taking the Knee” is for the service member in charge of funeral. This is when s/he hand the flag to the widow.
As for any kneeling for other than these two reasons, sounds like you haven’t the right ppl around you.
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Both sides are wrong:
Conservatism largely failed because it made cowardice a virtue. “We can’t do [X] because we have jobs, and families to raise, and mortgages to pay!!!” It became so ingrained that an entire swath of the country totally forgot how to defend anything it believed in.
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