There is another description of colonial war of which we have had experience, and which from the extreme peculiarity of the country and people deserves special notice. I speak of New Zealand.
When King Richard of England, whom men call the Lion-hearted, was wasting his time at Messina, after his boisterous fashion, in the winter of 1190, he heard of the fame of Abbot
There seems to be a culminating point not only in all human arts, but in the fashion of particular instruments. And it so happens that the preeminent and typical instruments of war
Unless Macedonia be included within the limits of ancient Greece, it may appear, at first sight, a contradiction in terms to speak of Greek Imperialism. Etymologically speaking, the word "Imperialism" connotes, or
Editor’s note: The following is extracted from The Works of Charles Kingsley, Vol. 25 (published 1885). (Preached on the Sunday before the Wedding of the Prince of Wales. March 8th, third Sunday
Two years ago this month, the Afghan capital city of Kabul fell to the Taliban, nearly twenty years after United States forces ousted them following the 9/11 terror attacks. Thirteen American servicemen
Editor’s note: The following article by Tom Shackleford is posted at Identity Dixie. Click here to read the entire article. Prior to Trump’s 2016 campaign, I had little to no interest in
Just in case you have never seen this documentary about vaccines, we share here. Of course, as we are on WordPress, they won’t allow this video to be embedded….. Click here to
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