The goal of Leftist commies, whether they know it or not, is chaos. Leftists hate order. They hate laws and rules, standards and expectations. The hate the idea that we answer to
Here is the shirt, dreamed up by Aercho: And here is Stilicho’s suggestion: Be one of the first to get these new shirt designs. Also, keep checking the mug link, as well,
"It is honestly denied by a certain type of mind that there is any such thing as a Jewish nation; there can therefore be no friction between it and its hosts..."
Editor’s Note: Here is another from our friend Didact. Read more over at his site. Our Mountain Man Roosh has been very busy renouncing pretty much every aspect of his past life
"The object of this book is more modest, I fear, than that of much which has appeared upon that vital political matter, the relation between the Jews and the nations around them."
"And out of the right acceptation of words there grows a sacred and a further explanation of their meaning: they illumine not only what we are but what we might be..."
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