Alfred the Great – Part 11

September 26, 2017
Editor’s Note:  This is the eleventh chapter of Alfred the Great, by Jacob Abbot (published 1872). (Continued from Part 10) XI. The Character of Alfred’s Reign Perhaps the chief aspect in which

Church Shooting Hero

September 25, 2017
With all the attention given to the crybabies in football uniforms this weekend, you may have missed something important. There was a church shooting in Tennessee. One person was killed, and six

Thoughts on the NFL protest

September 25, 2017
I haven’t watched an NFL game in some years; the league and its goings on do not really capture my interest. Still, this weekend will probably mark a significant battle in the

Sermon: A Needed Revival

September 24, 2017
Editor’s Note: Hyman Appelman was born in Russia to orthodox Jewish parents who moved to America in 1914. Appelman became a trial lawyer in Chicago. At age twenty-eight he was converted to
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