(Continued from Part II) A few quiet hours guarding a lonely old man could not be that bad, could it? It could. Colter found himself in an ornately furnished square room with
Editor’s Note: The following comprises the tenth chapter of Sunshine and Storm in Rhodesia, by Frederick Courteney Selous (published 1896). All spelling in the original. (Go back to previous chapter) CHAPTER X
As we approach the 2018 midterm elections, we thought you might enjoy looking back at the great victory of 2016. This is important, as you might be getting down about reported “Blue
Editor’s Note: The following comprises the ninth chapter of Sunshine and Storm in Rhodesia, by Frederick Courteney Selous (published 1896). All spelling in the original. (Go back to previous chapter) CHAPTER IX
A hawk-faced footman opened the door to the prince’s private residence even before Colter reached for its iron knocker. He waved Colter inside, squinting into the darkened street briefly before closing the
Editor’s Note: The following comprises the eighth chapter of Sunshine and Storm in Rhodesia, by Frederick Courteney Selous (published 1896). All spelling in the original. (Go back to previous chapter) CHAPTER VIII
Famed Hystrionic Leftist Barbra Streisand, in her ongoing mental breakdown, has blamed Trump for everything from her getting fat to her insomnia. She has decided that she might just need to move
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