Part 1 So we have shown that Trump is no racist, and those who say he is are only playing political games. But, of course, racism is only one of the cudgels
Editor’s Note: The following comprises the twenty-sixth chapter of Sunshine and Storm in Rhodesia, by Frederick Courteney Selous (published 1896). All spelling in the original. (Go back to previous chapter) CHAPTER XXVI
Editor’s Note: Yes, we share another of MOTW Poet Laureate Ian McLeod. Soak it in. Not only a good MOTW and friend, but a damn fine poet (and novelist). In The Hands
At the conclusion of his inauguration as King of the Netherlands on April 30, 2013, King Willem-Alexander and his wife, Queen Maxima, lead their countrymen in singing Wilhelmus, the Dutch national anthem.
I know, I know, every generation is told they are nothing but degenerate, slack-jawed, evil, wastrels that if they don’t quit their hedonistic ways, that’s it for our society and some bugaboo
Editor’s Note: The following comprises the twenty-fifth chapter of Sunshine and Storm in Rhodesia, by Frederick Courteney Selous (published 1896). All spelling in the original. (Go back to previous chapter) CHAPTER XXV
Editor’s Note: The following comprises the twenty-fourth chapter of Sunshine and Storm in Rhodesia, by Frederick Courteney Selous (published 1896). All spelling in the original. (Go back to previous chapter) CHAPTER XXIV
We have had a ringside seat to the great meltdown of the Left in the United States. Sure, they have always been wrong, but at least for a time, they tried to
CNN Columnist Roland Martin joins a battle centuries too late: Because of all the politically correct idiots, we are being encouraged to stop saying “Merry Christmas” for the more palatable “Happy Holidays.”
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