We are asked each day to surrender our independence in the name of convenience. In most cases we do so gladly. We make the trade without a thought. It sounds like such
Editor’s note: The following comprises the second chapter, sixth part, of The Gospel of Luke: An Exposition, by Charles R. Erdman (published 1936). All spelling in the original. F. The Presentation
If your house is anything like mine, late Christmas morning is a time of cardboard. Cardboard from the Nerf zombie gun box. Cardboard that was wrapped around that new scooter. There’s even
Editor’s Note: Our buddy, Adam Piggott, the Gentleman Adventurer, has shared another of his posts with us, as it relates to a recurring topic we have covered. You can visit his page
Editor’s Note: Jasper Thorsson shares some ideas and suggestions for personal organization. I’ve always just gotten by on cruise control when it comes to personal organization. I trust my strong contextual memory
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