Closing Ranks Against Us

October 12, 2021
The prevailing operating division in the country right now is by class. There are two basic classes. The Professional Class: This class includes politicians, technocrats, MBA managers, government officials, medical professionals, university

Retro Review: 2010

September 30, 2021
First, the bad (mixed with some good). While some comparisons will happen, I’ll try to be as charitable as possible because Kubrick was a powerhouse director/visionary while Hyams wasn’t. Hyams, thankfully, was

Attraction On The Mats

September 25, 2021
Editor’s Note: We are happy to present a narrative by Den Blonde Ulven I recently took off a few weeks from MMA training, in which time I remained rather unkempt- unshaven, complete

Be Brave!

August 20, 2021
Editor’s Note: Darrell Sipes gives some encouragement. If you have no backbone when things are tough then you have no backbone at all. If you wear shirts saying how “brave” you are,
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