Editor’s note: We offer another thought-provoking article from our friend, Cail Corishev. This first ran at his site. There’s something in human behavior called the “Error of Recency.” It means that humans
Sometimes the press goes to great lengths to help the wrong people: The Journal News submitted Freedom of Information requests for the names and addresses of all pistol permit holders in Westchester,
Chapter 5: CafeNostrumCon The morning after Carrie tended to Our Hero in his gloriously high state, she was feeling good. Damn good. She’d gone home that morning (after leaving a fresh pot
It’s not really a new concept, nor is it one that would surprise even the most casual observer of politics and culture, but in the midst of a howlingly funny piece written
Editor’s note: The following comprises the third chapter, fourth part, of The Gospel of Luke: An Exposition, by Charles R. Erdman (published 1936). All spelling in the original. D. The Temptation
Editor’s note: The following is extracted from Our Soldiers, by W. H. G. Kingston (published 1863). All spelling in the original. Final Bombardment The allies had now been nearly a year before
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