Let's Invite The Afrikaners Over – The Plan

February 10, 2017
4 mins read

Part One
Part Two
Part Three
We have demonstrated the plight of the Afrikaners. You can click the links above for past installments. We have shown that they are methodically being attacked and killed by hordes of thugs. There can be no doubt that they should be considered refugees and granted the opportunity to move themselves and their families to the United States. With that in mind, here is our proposition for getting that done.
First, consider current United States immigration laws regarding refugees:

Under United States law, a refugee is someone who:

  • Is located outside of the United States
  • Is of special humanitarian concern to the United States
  • Demonstrates that they were persecuted or fear persecution due to race, religion, nationality, political opinion, or membership in a particular social group
    Is not firmly resettled in another country
  • Is admissible to the United States

A refugee does not include anyone who ordered, incited, assisted, or otherwise participated in the persecution of any person on account of race, religion, nationality, membership in a particular social group, or political opinion.

Let’s see how our Afrikaner friends fit into that description. First, they are located outside the United States (this is legally important. If they are already in the country, then they can apply for Asylum. Those work out the same, for the most part, but there is a legal difference, based upon where they are when filing the petition).
afrkaner-2Second, their situation should be of massive humanitarian concern to the United States. We had no problem being concerned during Apartheid (more on that in a bit).
Third, Afrikaners are definitely at risk of persecution due to race and membership in a particular social group.
Fourth, they are not resettled anywhere else.
Fifth, there is no reason for them to not be admissible to the United States.
So we get to the one “sticky” issue. That last sentence in the quote. The refugee must not have “ordered, incited, assisted, or otherwise participated in the persecution” of others for those same reasons. Those who would oppose our plan might argue that Afrikaners engaged in persecution of South Africa’s black population during Apartheid. However, I would make two important points here:

  1. This requirement does not imply blanket judgments. In other words, it is not speaking of a class of people, but of individuals. Any Afrikaner who did not personally engage in that activity would not be precluded. Each person would be considered individually in that case.
  2. Afrikaners played a role in ending Apartheid. While many did not want to see it end, many did, and helped the process. Besides the fact that this situation is receding into the distant past, since Apartheid came to an end 23 years ago (in 1994), such actions from the past do not mitigate the fact that Afrikaners are being exterminated. In other words, the two events do not “cancel” each other out. This is a whole new issue.

The President of the United States, according to the Immigration and Nationality Act, is responsible for deciding if a person, or group of people, is declared a legal refugee. Here is the salient section of that law:

[The] President after appropriate consultation (as defined in section 207(e) of this Act) may specify, any person who is within the country of such person’s nationality or, in the case of a person having no nationality, within the country in which such person is habitually residing, and who is persecuted or who has a well-founded fear of persecution on account of race, religion, nationality, membership in a particular social group, or political opinion.

So The Men of the West call upon President Donald Trump to examine the situation, and conduct the requisite consultation, defined in Section 207 (e) as:

… the term “appropriate consultation” means, with respect to the admission of refugees and allocation of refugee admissions, discussions in person by designated Cabinet-level representatives of the President with members of the Committees on the Judiciary of the Senate and of the House of Representatives to review the refugee situation or emergency refugee situation, to project the extent of possible participation of the United States therein, to discuss the reasons f or believing that the proposed admission of refugees is justified by humanitarian concerns or grave humanitarian concerns or is otherwise in the national interest, and to provide such members with the following information:
(1) A description of the nature of the refugee situation.
(2) A description of the number and allocation of the refugees to be admitted and an analysis of conditions within the countries from which they came.
(3) A description of the proposed plans for their movement and resettlement and the estimated cost of their movement and resettlement.
(4) An analysis of the anticipated social, economic, and demographic impact of their admission to the United States.
(5) A description of the extent to which other countries will admit and assist in the resettlement of such refugees.
(6) An analysis of the impact of the participation of the United States in the resettlement of such refugees on the foreign policy interests of the United States.
(7) Such additional information as may be appropriate or requested by such members.

Once that consultation is complete, it will be obvious that Afrikaners are suitable to be declared refugees and afforded the opportunity to immigrate to the United States.
Notice that it is within American tradition and practice for certain groups of people to be treated en masse regarding immigration. For example, it was once policy for Soviet Jews to be considered as presumptive refugees and allowed to immigrate. Notably, those Soviet Jews did not necessarily meet the other requirements to be considered refugees. The key point is that it is within the tradition and experience of immigration to the United States to allow entire people groups to be granted refugee status. It is even permissible to be flexible in what it takes to be a refugee.
Therefore, we ask each of you to contact your congressmen, senators, and President Trump, and encourage them to begin this process. Do it often. Provide them with details of the humanitarian horrors that these noble people are facing. Share links to these articles, as well as other resources you find. Put the pressure on them to make this happen.afrikanerfamily-2
In future installments, I hope to share some practical ways Afrikaners can be brought into the country and assimilated. We will consider the “number and allocation” and “plans for resettlement.” I also want to share an interview with an Afrikaner, so you can get specific information from their point of view. Until then, get busy spreading the word. The more people who initiate contact with our elected officials, the more likely we are to succeed.

Lead Scheduler at MOTW. Husband, Father, but most importantly, a man of God. Possesses more degrees that most people find useful.

14 Comments Leave a Reply

  1. Thracymachus,
    I don’t follow US Politics all that well, but I do know that three US Federal Judges, from San Francisco I believe, put a stop to POTUS’s immigration ban from the Middle East.
    Apparently the POTUS team is working on something else, and I pray they succeed. BTW, how in blazes can a court in your country dictate foreign policy to the White House anyway ?!
    If POTUS does grant the Boers/Afrikaners refugee status, you can be sure that it’ll the perfect excuse with which the left can cause a helluva lot of trouble in your country.
    Prepare yourself for lots of Mandela movies on TV and in the cinemas etc, and lots of riots in the streets.
    If POTUS wants to help, with not much fuss being caused, then let him be lenient with H1B visa holders from South Africa.
    I also wish Trump would tweet a question once asked by former South African president PW Botha in his infamous Rubicon Speech
    Do people flee to hell?

  2. Thracymachus,
    I don’t follow US Politics all that well, but I do know that three US Federal Judges, from San Francisco I believe, put a stop to POTUS’s immigration ban from the Middle East.
    Apparently the POTUS team is working on something else, and I pray they succeed. BTW, how in blazes can a court in your country dictate foreign policy to the White House anyway ?!
    If POTUS does grant the Boers/Afrikaners refugee status, you can be sure that it’ll the perfect excuse with which the left can cause a helluva lot of trouble in your country.
    Prepare yourself for lots of Mandela movies on TV and in the cinemas etc, and lots of riots in the streets.
    If POTUS wants to help, with not much fuss being caused, then let him be lenient with H1B visa holders from South Africa.
    I also wish Trump would tweet a question once asked by former South African president PW Botha in his infamous Rubicon Speech :
    Do people flee to hell?
    Because that’s what the rest of Africa did by fleeing to South Africa during Apartheid.

    Other than that, the Suidlanders, the group that’s working on an Afrikaner evacuation plan when the genocide breaks out, needs donations.
    Apparently a senior conservative figure in the USA, and at that, also an advisor to POTUS wants them to come over and give a presentation in his district.
    They have been asked before by this person but had to decline to a lack of funds for travelling. They have received a request to come over once again, and this is the fourth time that the request has been sent.
    The bank details are in the link below. This is also where the this POTUS advisor is mentioned.
    Unfortunately these bank details are for domestic transfers, so how one does send money from the US to South Africa, I don’t know. If anybody knows how to do this, please help.
    Thracymachus, you have my heartfelt thanks for your concern for us, the mocked and the machetied here in South Africa.
    May God, the Elohim, whose name is “I AM that I AM” bless you greatly.
    Once again thank you.

    • Marcellus, the way that our country was supposed to operate was a separation of powers into three separate bodies, the executive branch, the legislative branch, and the judicial branch. The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. It’s to keep any one branch from getting too powerful. However both the executive and judicial branches have been breaking this design for decades. In this case the courts declared the immigration ban to be against the law, and then the President got up on TV and read the law that plainly states that as far as immigration, the President can do as he pleases. So the court ruling will soon be thrown out.

    • You know, Marcellus, at this point, we don’t really care what the left wants to do. We have spent the better part of 5 decades letting them have their way, hoping they would grow up, or at least leave us alone. So we are not concerned with what they think about our plans, goals, etc.
      Helping Afrikaners is the right thing to do. Period. So we do it.
      We will do more research, both on the Suidlanders and others who are trying to help out.
      Hopefully, together, we can make a difference.

  3. The problem is that the Left tends to judge individuals based on what group the group they belong. Affrikaners aren’t a group favored by the Left…to put it mildly.

  4. The situation over here is really bad! so I am very thankful to this site for spreading the word.
    “Unfortunately these bank details are for domestic transfers, so how one does send money from the US to South Africa, I don’t know. If anybody knows how to do this, please help.”
    You can donate at http://www.suidlanders.co.za (the site is in the Afrikaans language though) or you can donate on the English version of the site at http://www.suidlanders.org they have PayPal set up on both sites.
    Thanks again
    God bless

  5. I am a Boer my people have lived worked and died in South Africa for more than 350 years. We are God fearing people some of our ancestors fled protestant persecution in France so they could practise their religion in freedom. We have the same ancestoral blood in our veins as the largest part of the US white population, we stem from Dutch, English, Scottish, German and French Hugenot origon. When we arrived in Africa in 1652 the black Bantu tribes were also only arriving at the borders of South Africa as they stand today in the northern areas. They are also not indigenous, the only indigenous people were the Khoi khoi and San people. The black tribes decimated them in their conquests of the land, while they also were in conflict with whites we never killed them off on such an astronomical scale as the black tribes. So for the blacks to say we stole their land is “bullshit”. We Boer’s were forced to pack our stuff and move to the interior of the country to get away from the colonialist Brittis who annexed the Cape and kicked out the Dutch. The Brits made us pay extreme taxes, oppressed our way of life, disarmed us and protected cattle raiding black tribes who murdered farmers and stole livestock on the eastern frontier in order to protect Brittish Interests. I know this somehow sound familiar to Americans and their experience of Brittish rule. After much harship and conflict we finally had 2 independent republics much like the Republic of Texas. But then the largets gold deposits in the world were descovered in the Transvaal republic and the bankers in London wanted those riches for the Brittish empire at all cost. They forced a war upon us but not before we made them pay a hell of a price. 50 000 Boer Comando’s (That is where the term came from) started a war against the most powerful superpower of the era. Initially the Brittish were dealt heavy defeats and they were emabarrased all over the world and Boer sucess was praised and cheered. But the Brittish money and hyge numerical advantage finally took its tole, Brittish numbers of troops in the field increased from 250 000 to 450 000 troops shipped in from all over the empire to subdue a few Boer militiamen. The Boers started fighting a Guerilla war with such efficiency that the Brittish took the final step, the burned down all the farm houses in the Boer republics, burned all the crops and killed all the livestock. They then carted all the Boer women and children and old people they could find and put them in concentration camps. 30 000 women, children and elderly died in these camps due to malnutition and disease and in many cases the brittish put powdered glas into maize meal food rations so many more died of this. Finally the 12000 bitter enders as they were known stopped the guerilla war and surrendered because they could not continue to see their women and children die off in such terrible conditions. We built up our farms rebuilt our country into a country that had the 7th strongest economy in the 1970’s, the Rand was 72 cents to 1 US dollar. We had first world infrastructure, the nuclear bomb, we achieved the first sucessful heart transplant in the world. And poor starving Africans fled from all over Africa where they were so called liberated by Communists and had freedom to Apartheid South Africa so they coud have a better quality of life (does it sound familiar???). Then our American, Brittish and European allies who we fought for against Germans and Japanese and who ever else in 2 World Wars and Korea, turned on us with sanctions and pressure. Our weak leaders sold us out and gave our country to Communist ANC blacks without firing a shot. Now we who opted for peace instead of war in 1994 are being forced off this land we are massacred in farm attacks and home invasions, pushed out of the job market because of our race. We are hated all over the world and nobody wants the terrible Boers because somehow everybody thinks we are Nazis. Beware my American brothers the people who pltted our demise are already implementing yours, they want to wipe the white Christan from the face of the earth. Soon there will be no more Boers left, but you are next. I wish I could give my children aged 10 & 7 a future in the US and move to some place that the lifestyle & culture is close to what we have here in South Africa a place like Texas. But we are stuck here, hopefully we won’t go quietly but that the legacy of our ancestors will see us stand up like them and take on the world and overwhelming ods like the bitter enders. May God bless the Boer people and you the men of the West we are brothers cut from the same cloth after all. To the bitter end like the Boer Commandos brothers.

    • Brother, you have our prayers. We are working on some ways to provide an avenue for those of you who desire to come to the US to be able to do so. Let us know if there is anything we can do in them meantime.

      • We will need all the help and prayers we can get. If anybody wants more information on what is really going on in South Africa they can contact me via e-mail, you have my e-mail details. There is a severe backlash here over Donald Trumps tweet that they are investigating the farm murders and expropriation of our property. I feel the black Marxists are readying themselves for a large scale onslaught something like what happened in Rwanda. I fear that many whites will be slaughtered in such a scenario. Please make our plight known to everybody in the USA. Brothers our battle is your battle also, as what they are doing to us they want to do to you as well.

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