Jail Illegal Immigrants

August 18, 2017
1 min read

At some point we must accept that mere deportation does not work. I mean, what do they have to lose? You sneak across the border, you suck away as much of America’s resources as you can. If and when you eventually get caught, all that happens is a free plane ride back to your home country so you can sneak right back in and start the whole process over.
They have everything to gain and nothing to lose. It is time to make illegal immigration more risky.
The Hard Right Proposes:

  • Crossing the border illegally will be a felony with a jail sentence of one year for the first offense.  and with escalating penalties for each offense thereafter.
  • Illegal immigrants caught in the US will also be subject to property seizure. Whatever they have gained and built while here, they have done so illegally and thus they do not rightfully own it.  Proceeds from these seizures will be specifically used to build and maintain the wall and for further border patrol and immigration expenses. A fund may also be setup to compensate those directly harmed by illegal immigrant crime.
  • Open and maintain a system of border exits from the US where those here illegally can flee without fear of being arrested at the border. The object after all is not to arrest them. The object is to get them to leave voluntarily.

It is time we stop calling them deportees and start calling them felons.
Now, the first obvious complaint this plan raises is cost. How can we afford to jail millions of people?
The answer is we won’t have to. The law must be written in such a fashion that gives those here illegally the chance to get out on their own. So once the law is signed there should be a 6 week grace period where those who want to leave and avoid the possibility of jail can do so.
Solving the demographic problem is not that hard. Solving the immigration problem is not that hard. This one simple bill would do it.
We call on the Congress of the United States to enact legislation to this effect. They have to go back. The Hard Right solution is not the only solution. Its just the cheapest, most compassionate, and least violent solution.
We are the Hard Right.
Or get the Hell out of the way.

14 Comments Leave a Reply

  1. This is an act of war, as such it’s worthy to be treated as such or a capital crime. That’s what I’d prefer.

  2. You misspelled it, mate. It’s H-A-N-G, “hang”. We should HANG illegal immigrants as the infiltrating forces that they are. It is a soft invasion, make no mistake.

  3. Using taxpayer dollars to jail invaders is wrong. First offenders should be deported, after having branded an “I” (“I” is for Invader) on their forehead, with the warning that if they enter this country illegally again, they will be executed.

  4. I see the retards are out in force tonight.
    Lector’ s solution is simple, elegant and realistic. You monkeys need to go LARP somewhere else.

  5. We could learn from Alabama’s actions a couple of years ago. They passed the laws to crack down on the illegals, and those folks just move on to greener pastures. Same principle at work here.

  6. Young men always want a violent solution even when a peaceful one is better in every way.
    But winning is better than vengeance.

  7. […] The wall must be built. DACA must be ended, and those so-called “Dreamers” must be sent back to their countries of origin. Not only should illegal immigration be stopped, but so should legal immigration. My preference is that there be absolutely no immigration, at least for period of time. That might not be feasible, however desirable, so at least repeal Hart-Celler. Return to pre-1965 immigration policy. Anyone who breaks our immigration laws should be jailed, as we have argued in an earlier article. […]

  8. […] The wall must be built. DACA must be ended, and those so-called “Dreamers” must be sent back to their countries of origin. Not only should illegal immigration be stopped, but so should legal immigration. My preference is that there be absolutely no immigration, at least for period of time. That might not be feasible, however desirable, so at least repeal Hart-Celler. Return to pre-1965 immigration policy. Anyone who breaks our immigration laws should be jailed, as we have argued in an earlier article. […]

  9. I agree with you about jail time but 1 year for first offense is not enough. I believe a MINIMUM of 5 years would be better with escallation in increments of 5 or 10 years for each additional infraction. And you do not need to make illegal entry a felony, necessarily. Prosecute them for the felonies inherent to their being here illegally. Obtaining bogus official documents is forgery – one count per document. Using those documents to benefit financially constitutes fraud – one count per document PER USE. The fact that the person committing the felonies is here unlawfully would count as “special circumstances” mandating that punishment assessed for each offense and count be served CONSECUTIVELY! And those who do not like the idea of paying for their room and board, think of it as guaranteeing they will not be preying on innocent American citizens while they are locked up. I also agree with confiscating their property. The RICO statutes ought to cover that nicely
    Also, anyone who can be proven to have aided and abetted these felons should be prosecuted as accomplices before and/or after the fact with prison terms a percentage of the total assessed to the people they aided/abetted. That they were unaware that the person(s) they were assisting were illegal immigrants would be an allowed defense – an AFFIRMATIVE DEFENSE. The burden of proof would be on the defense to prove by a preponderance of evidence they could not have known the person they were helping was, in fact, an illegal. People working in all these NGAs who help illegals would be subject to the same prosecution.

  10. “At some point we must accept that mere deportation does not work… If and when you eventually get caught, all that happens is a free plane ride back to your home country so you can sneak right back in and start the whole process over.”
    “How can we afford to jail millions of people?”
    “The answer is we won’t have to. The law must be written in such a fashion that gives those here illegally the chance to get out on their own. So once the law is signed there should be a 6 week grace period where those who want to leave and avoid the possibility of jail can do so.”
    Deportation does not work because they come back later, but letting people escape across the border under the own steam will work because for some reason they won’t come back later. I don’t get it.
    And we still have to jail the people that we actually catch. You’re counting on a high level of pre-compliance from illegals, but I don’t think you’re going to see it.
    “Solving the immigration problem is not that hard. This one simple bill would do it.”
    If the drug issue and the gun issue have taught me one thing in my life, it’s that legislation isn’t worth crap to deal with problems caused by people who already flout existing legislation. Legislation, like talk is cheap. Enforcement is expensive.

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