Jerry Clower once claimed that he did not tell funny stories; he told stories funny. Here is a half hour of Clower. You can listen and decide for yourself. I think he is hilarious. Even better, his comedy was clean and wholesome. Enjoy.

Jerry Clower once claimed that he did not tell funny stories; he told stories funny. Here is a half hour of Clower. You can listen and decide for yourself. I think he is hilarious. Even better, his comedy was clean and wholesome. Enjoy.
My introduction to him was one Christmas when my mother gave my granddad a cassette of his, “Dogs I have Known.” Whole clan sat around the little radio and laughed ourselves sick at it.
Jerry Clower and Justin Wilson (Cajun) were the two best regional comic story tellers around. Growing up in South Mississippi in the 70’s allowed me access to both of these unique yarn spinners.
I thought her GAAAAALL bladder had busted
Sold a few Clower albums from my mom’s house last year after she passed. I remember liking them, and would have played them for my family, but we don’t have a turntable.