Do You Extra Mag, Bro?

September 21, 2020
1 min read

I’ve carried for several years. In the past, I never carried an extra magazine, but recent events have led me to reconsider.

I tried different options for the extra – front pocket, back packet, side pocket, jacket. But, a magazine and more rounds isn’t light, and the pocket options weren’t comfortable. I bought a mag holder that matched my in-waistband (IWB) gun holster. The gun holster is great, the mag holster, not so much.

Carrying an extra mag in my jacket or vest pocket worked the best, but where I live, it’s too hot wear jackets in the summer.

I asked my friends if they carry an extra and what method they use. Most everyone said they carried their extra in their pocket. I don’t like carrying mags in my pockets.

One friend saved the day and said he used the NeoMag.

I don’t care how many reviews you read (including this one) or how many videos you watch, you will never know if something works for you unless you try it out. I bought one for my carry gun.

All I have to say is, these things are awesome.

The NeoMag is a clip with a magnet that supports and holds the mag upright in your pocket. It’s very comfortable. I now carry an extra in my front left pocket. The clip and pocket holds most of the weight of the mag. It’s like carrying a knife on a clip, but heavier. Still, it’s the most comfortable holster I have found, and the mag doesn’t jostle around.

After getting the NeoMag and seeing how great it is, I bought one for my Glock 9mm mags (#GlockNation). I might even buy a couple for my .45 ACP mags. I normally don’t carry a .45 ACP, but can you have too much useful gun gear?

The NeoMag folks sent a handwritten thank you note with each order. Plus, their shipping box has a mini target printed on the inside and John 15:13 printed boldly on the outside .

Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends. – Jesus Christ, John 15:13

That’s one of my favorite verses. I didn’t know the NeoMag folks are Christians. They didn’t have a Jesus fish on their website anywhere that I noticed. I bought the mag holder because it looked like a good product. The verse was a nice touch, though.

I like these people. I like their product. If you’re considering carrying an extra mag, I recommend the NeoMag.

Support your allies.

American son of the Appalachian mountains. Happily married father of several and devoted man of God. Hold fast.

9 Comments Leave a Reply

  1. Got one. It is well made and works as advertised. I do not like the way it makes my pocket gape open though. If you reverse it and carry outside the pockert or on a belt, it would be useful for quick access at a competition or on the range.

    The best solution is to sew a mag sized pocket inside of your pants pocket (same idea as a coin pocket at the base of regular pocket) so mag can be better concealed. Another solution would be to adapt a “sticky” pocket pistol holster for the same purpose. I am not aware of anyone making one specifically for spare mags, but it would work well for this issue.

  2. Got it. Works like a charm. Fully concealed, easy access, protects mag from foreign substances in pocket, holds it upright. Can also be worn IWB.

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