Dangerous Left Wing Rhetoric

July 18, 2024
1 min read

On Saturday, July 13, 2024, an assassin came within inches of murdering Donald Trump on a live broadcast. Democrat talking heads immediately split into two camps: some said Trump staged the shooting (which killed a firefighter and severely injured several others) while others lamented that the shooter missed his head.

The same corporate media that has spent the last nine years calling Trump the next Hitler, a threat to our democracy, a dangerous man who must be stopped by any means necessary, paid lip service this week to the idea that political violence is unacceptable. Yet it’s clear that this is exactly what they have been trying to provoke all along.

It started when Trump was first running for president. Neocon Rick Wilson said in 2015 that donors needed to “put a bullet” in Donald Trump. New York’s Shakespeare in the Park depicted the assassination scene of Julius Caesar with Trump instead. Failed comedienne Kathy Griffin posted a picture of herself holding Trump’s severed head. Sen. Chuck Schumer of New York said that Trump should beware that intelligence agencies had “six ways from Sunday” to deal with him.

Just a few weeks ago, LinkedIn founder Reid Hoffman lamented that the lawfare he was funding had failed to stop Trump and wished they had made him an “actual martyr”.

Read the rest at Brian’s Substack

Brian Almon is a writer and entrepreneur. In addition to Men of the West, you can find his work at The Gem State Chronicle and The National Pulse.

Brian lives with his wife and children in Idaho.

Follow Brian on Gab and Telegram.

5 Comments Leave a Reply

  1. I am not sure what your point is. I don’t see anyone discussing “American Redoubt” here.

    • The phrase does get used by the Twitter user Brian mentions. But if my comment gets deleted for verging on being off-topic, so be it.

      • Gotcha. I am still not sure what the point is though. No one says Rawles did not coin the term (and he is the first one I ever saw use it).

  2. Killer quote:

    “Vote Trump. Vote Rasor. Vote for sheriffs who will hold people accountable for their lawless actions, while protecting law-abiding citizens from government persecution. Vote for conservative Republican candidates who are serious about tackling the issues that face this nation. We need state sovereignty. DEI must be abolished. The federal bureaucracy must be gutted from top to bottom.”

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