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June 15, 2018

Reminiscences of the Anglo-Boer War (Part 1)

Editor’s note:  Here follow the Introduction and Chapters 1 through 6 of My Reminiscences of the Anglo-Boer War, by General Ben Viljoen (published 1902).  All spelling in the original. THE AUTHOR TO THE READER In offering my readers my reminiscences

Comey Toast

May 11, 2017
Comey asked for more money for his Russia investigation. That’s the narrative the libs are going with as to why Trump fired him. The Justice Department says “No”. That’s called fake news,

Truth, or… What?

January 12, 2017
“What is truth“- Pontius Pilate Truth is important. When you lose the importance of truth you get some strange things, like men claiming to be women. Or young women claiming to be cats.

In Due Time

December 23, 2016
“Evil is always ultimately self-destructive …” Indeed. Which is one of the reasons why aligning oneself with evil is a fool’s gambit.  The “success” of evil is an illusion.  Human endeavors that

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