Editor’s Note: Our buddy, The Dark Ninja of Mockery and Twin Red Shadow of Justice, gives his thoughts on all things Google. It all started so promisingly. In those far-off, sunny days
Editor’s note: The following is extracted from History, by Bernadotte Perrin (published 1912). (Go back to previous chapter) But the Ancient History of the Greeks never emancipated itself wholly from the influence of the epic poems. The revolt against it
But he cured his own frostbite miraculously… Rare conditions could have conspired to create hard-to-see ice on the Sea of Galilee that a person could have walked on back when Jesus is
An academic prays for Science to make smarter monkeys: It is a bit of a stretch, but by no means impossible or even unlikely that a hybrid or a chimera combining a
Side-by-side articles on CNN illustrate why liberal appeals to religion always fail. The first introduces us to a modern martyr: When John Dominic Crossan was a teenager in Ireland, he dreamed of
Been brought down this month by Never Trumpers and Trump betrayers? Disgusted with the buyer’s remorse of fellow Republicans? Wearied by impatient, knee-jerk emotionalism of right wingers outraged by the President’ s
I’m not Catholic but this is a thing of beauty. “Traditional Latin Mass filmed on Easter Sunday in 1941 at Our Lady of Sorrows church in Chicago. The film presents the ceremonies
A Sermon on How to Contemplate Christ’s Holy Sufferings By Dr. Martin Luther (Editor’s Note: This sermon appeared in pamphlets in 1519, and in subsequent pamphlets until 1524. It was so popular
Faint light hailed a cold Sunday morning as Mary Magdalene led her co-conspirators through the city’s heavy gates. Their mission was a sorrowful one. They were to enter the tomb of a
Given the audience here at Men Of The West, I think it’s safe to assume that most everybody is familiar with the story of Elijah on Mount Carmel (If you are not,
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