Editor’s Note: Our buddy, The Dark Ninja of Mockery and Twin Red Shadow of Justice, gives his thoughts on all things Google. It all started so promisingly. In those far-off, sunny days
Editor’s note: The following is extracted from History, by Bernadotte Perrin (published 1912). (Go back to previous chapter) But the Ancient History of the Greeks never emancipated itself wholly from the influence of the epic poems. The revolt against it
***The following was written March 30, 2009 and posted as a note on Facebook. I suspect its contents will ring a little louder now than it did then.*** We write this day
Editor’s Note: Last Redoubt comes back after a couple of weeks without posting. It’s been a while, and I’ve accumulated a few odds and ends that don’t call for a full post.
Editor’s note: The following sermon by Christopher Newman Hall is extracted from The World’s Great Sermons, Vol. 6 (published 1908). To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the hidden
When the sky grows dark, and storm clouds appear on the horizon, we naturally call upon our God to bless America. Yet does America in 2020 deserve God’s blessings? It is more
Popular culture is worse than useless. It is poisonous propaganda that is stealing entire generations from Western Civilization. If we are to have any hope of reclaiming and rebuilding our culture in
Editor’s note: The following sermon by Alexander Campbell is extracted from The World’s Great Sermons, Vol. IV (published 1908). He that winneth souls is wise. Prov. xi., 30. The missionary cause is
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