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Politics - Page 74

May 8, 2017


I’ve always felt comfortable referring to Democrats and progressives as Communists. When you compare their platforms, strategies, and propaganda, they are virtually identical. Think about it! They call themselves progressive, but into
April 26, 2017

The Cost of Desegregation

We have been hailing the Civil Rights Era as a grand and universal success for decades.  Desegregation is an unquestionable good in the eyes of all good Americans.  So, let’s take a victory lap, shall we?  After all, if the

The Time Has Come to Pray

May 8, 2017
On Thursday, May 4th President Donald Trump signed an executive order directing the IRS to no longer enforce the Johnson Amendment.   Now, it’s important to note that the Johnson Amendment is a

Words Matter

May 1, 2017
A group of Yale Graduate Students are going on a hunger strike. They are protesting for more union benefits. They are only getting free tuition (about $40K per year), a $30K stipend,

Even in Portland…

April 26, 2017
In Portland, Oregon, known as one of the more liberal cities in the country, AntiFa has decided to make their execrable presence known: For more than a decade, 82nd Avenue of Roses
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