In our first two installments (Part 1 here; Part 2 here), we have given a brief overview of the historical and current situations in South Africa, relating to the dangers faced by the Afrikaner population. We have stated our desire
The Pew Research Center posted an article titled, “U.S. Teens Take After Their Parents Religiously, Attend Services Together and Enjoy Family Rituals.” Good news. The subhead is, “But American adolescents often participate
Everybody has heard the parable of the frog in hot water. Supposedly, if you toss a frog in a pot of boiling water, it will feel pain and jump out. However, the
Editor’s Note: Last Redoubt gives his reasons why you should Homeschool or Die. Reading, Ritin’, ‘Rithmetic. It’s long been noted that homeschooling is not just a good idea because it’s a better
Written by Stephen Clay McGehee. Reposted with permission from The Southern Agrarian – There is a temptation to look at a vegetable garden as a home-grown food factory, where efficiency is the driving factor.
Editor’s Note: Last Redoubt penned this back in January, but with the “school season” drawing near, and more and more parents are faced with the possibility of having to “teach” at home,
Popular culture is worse than useless. It is poisonous propaganda that is stealing entire generations from Western Civilization. If we are to have any hope of reclaiming and rebuilding our culture in
Editor’s Note: Written by Stephen Clay McGehee. Reposted with permission from The Southern Agrarian – This is a slightly updated version of something I first wrote and published on February 17, 2011. It could
The family structure is the result of ten thousand years of trial-and-error as mankind figured out what worked. Today, however, the family is under heavy assault. The family is the foundation of
That’s the bad news. They got dropped for some amorphous “violated terms of service” or some such nonsense. Of course, it is all bogus. CF did nothing wrong, except be on the
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