We have been hailing the Civil Rights Era as a grand and universal success for decades. Desegregation is an unquestionable good in the eyes of all good Americans. So, let’s take a
In our first two installments (Part 1 here; Part 2 here), we have given a brief overview of the historical and current situations in South Africa, relating to the dangers faced by the Afrikaner population. We have stated our desire
Both the Old and New Testaments provide a guide to life, a map of how to get there from here. Part of that guide includes honoring your father and mother.
The decline of western civilization that we are fighting against here at Men of the West is accelerating. I hope you are prepared enough that you can pop some popcorn, marvel at
We have some other things in the works, but you can really help us expand our reach by purchasing some of our merchandise. Many of you have purchased shirts, patches, caps, and
America is a house divided, more than any time since the Civil War. How can we go on together when half the country wants to erase our heritage and brainwash our children?
Editor’s Note: As always, you can read The Last Redoubt at his own site, too. Three things you’ll have troubles convincing normies, especially anyone who still thinks Trayvon Martin or Michael Brown
Dan Carlin is one of the best podcasters in the business. While it takes him six months to put together just a single episode of the Hardcore History podcast, it is always worth the
A man that I very much respect often says, “Courage is the rarest of the good traits.” I agree. Some people say that courage is not being afraid, but that’s not correct.
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