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Culture - Page 226

January 10, 2017

Let's Invite the Afrikaners Over – Part 3

In our first two installments (Part 1 here; Part 2 here), we have given a brief overview of the historical and current situations in South Africa, relating to the dangers faced by the Afrikaner population. We have stated our desire

Government Force

December 2, 2016
Liberals, without break, talk about “income inequality”, profits which are “too high”, “unfairness”, “social justice”, “reparations”, etc. What the liberals are doing is intentionally stirring up feelings and thoughts of covetousness –


November 29, 2016
by Ian McLeod Nothing says “I love you” like FRONT TOWARD ENEMY on a directional fragmentation antipersonnel mine. Editor’s Note:  Occasionally, we will post poetry or
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