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January 10, 2017

Let's Invite the Afrikaners Over – Part 3

In our first two installments (Part 1 here; Part 2 here), we have given a brief overview of the historical and current situations in South Africa, relating to the dangers faced by the Afrikaner population. We have stated our desire

Romulus – Part 10

December 14, 2017
Editor’s Note:  This is the tenth chapter of Romulus, by Jacob Abbott (published 1902). (Continued from Part 9) X.  Organization There has been a great deal of philosophical discussion, and much debate,

Romulus – Part 9

December 13, 2017
Editor’s Note:  This is the ninth chapter of Romulus, by Jacob Abbott (published 1902). (Continued from Part 8) IX.  The Founding of Rome As soon as the excitement and the agitations which

Egg Nog

December 12, 2017
Egg Nog. If you don’t drink Egg Nog, you’re a faggot. What You’ll Need 6 large eggs, plus 2 yolks 1/2 cup, plus 2 Tablespoons sugar 1/4 teaspoon salt 4 cups whole milk

Romulus – Part 8

December 11, 2017
Editor’s Note:  This is the eighth chapter of Romulus, by Jacob Abbott (published 1902). (Continued from Part 7) VIII.  The Twins Although the temple of Vesta itself, at Alba Longa, was the

Jumping Off God's Bridge

December 9, 2017
Jesus Metropolitan Community Church wonders if Jesus would OK it if you’re really, truly tempted: There are, no doubt, modern people who engage in homosexual sex for reasons similar to those identified
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