We have been hailing the Civil Rights Era as a grand and universal success for decades. Desegregation is an unquestionable good in the eyes of all good Americans. So, let’s take a
In our first two installments (Part 1 here; Part 2 here), we have given a brief overview of the historical and current situations in South Africa, relating to the dangers faced by the Afrikaner population. We have stated our desire
No, I don’t read Salon.com. Put away your pitchforks. I came across this on Twitter. Ed Asner, (yes, that guy) wrote a dishonest article claiming that the founders meant the second amendment
Nicholas took his responsibilities as Bishop very seriously. Seeking guidance through revelation. he went up into the mountains to pray unto God for renewal. As he was praying, a river broke forth
Editor’s Note: This is the thirteenth chapter of Romulus, by Jacob Abbott (published 1902). (Continued from Part 12) XIII. Conclusion After the termination of the Sabine war, Romulus continued to reign many
Editor’s Note: Written by Stephen Clay McGehee. Reposted with permission from The Southern Agrarian – http://www.southernagrarian.com/ In a reply to a previous post [Ed. Note: This is a link to his own website], I was reminded of
Editor’s Note: This is the twelfth chapter of Romulus, by Jacob Abbott (published 1902). (Continued from Part 11) XII. The Sabine War While the negotiations with the Sabines were still pending, Romulus
The Collect O LORD Jesus Christ, who at thy first coming didst send thy messenger to prepare thy way before thee; Grant that the ministers and stewards of thy mysteries may likewise
Editor’s Note: This is the eleventh chapter of Romulus, by Jacob Abbott (published 1902). (Continued from Part 10) XI. Wives Every reader who has made even the smallest beginning in the study
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