We have been hailing the Civil Rights Era as a grand and universal success for decades. Desegregation is an unquestionable good in the eyes of all good Americans. So, let’s take a
In our first two installments (Part 1 here; Part 2 here), we have given a brief overview of the historical and current situations in South Africa, relating to the dangers faced by the Afrikaner population. We have stated our desire
We have had a ringside seat to the great meltdown of the Left in the United States. Sure, they have always been wrong, but at least for a time, they tried to
CNN Columnist Roland Martin joins a battle centuries too late: Because of all the politically correct idiots, we are being encouraged to stop saying “Merry Christmas” for the more palatable “Happy Holidays.”
Editor’s note: The following is extracted from Curious Myths of the Middle Ages, by S. Baring-Gould (published 1867) About the middle of the twelfth century, a rumor circulated through Europe that there
1798 BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES – A PROCLAMATION As the safety and prosperity of nations ultimately and essentially depend on the protection and the blessing of Almighty God, and
The History Channel has some interesting links, videos, and articles about the history, practice, and traditions associated with the Thanksgiving holiday. Here at MOTW, we pray that you are enjoying time with
“A country’s assets reside in the tinkerers, the hobbyists, and the risk-takers.” — Nassim Taleb Like any American man of reasonable intelligence, I find a lot to love about the South, especially
There are many different ways to anthropologically categorize tribes, ethnicity, nations—large groups of people. One way I often view the race of men is through the lens of the three tribes of
Our shirt provider, Crypto.Fashion, will be running a sale on all of their products, including the Men of the West shirts and caps. The sale will run from Thursday (Thanksgiving) to Tuesday.
Staff Sergeant Ronald J. Shurer II distinguished himself by acts of gallantry and intrepidity above and beyond the call of duty on April 6, 2008, while serving as a Senior Medical Sergeant,
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