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Culture - Page 12

January 10, 2017

Let's Invite the Afrikaners Over – Part 3

In our first two installments (Part 1 here; Part 2 here), we have given a brief overview of the historical and current situations in South Africa, relating to the dangers faced by the Afrikaner population. We have stated our desire

Training for Awkwardness

October 25, 2021
Editor’s Note: We present another article by Den Blonde Ulven. I have been on a new training regime the past few months and the programming has been unorthodox and extremely odd compared

Closing Ranks Against Us

October 12, 2021
The prevailing operating division in the country right now is by class. There are two basic classes. The Professional Class: This class includes politicians, technocrats, MBA managers, government officials, medical professionals, university

Retro Review: 2010

September 30, 2021
First, the bad (mixed with some good). While some comparisons will happen, I’ll try to be as charitable as possible because Kubrick was a powerhouse director/visionary while Hyams wasn’t. Hyams, thankfully, was

Attraction On The Mats

September 25, 2021
Editor’s Note: We are happy to present a narrative by Den Blonde Ulven I recently took off a few weeks from MMA training, in which time I remained rather unkempt- unshaven, complete
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