If everything is art, then nothing is. All the great art of Western Civilization rests on the same underlying principle: through hard work, inspiration, and commitment to his craft, the artist produces a work that connects the human to the
==SIDE ONE: 00:08. 1. Cripple Creek — fiddle, Mr. Hobart Smith 01:58 2. Pateroller Song — 5-string fretless banjo, Mr. Hobart Smith 03:42 3. One Dime Blues — guitar, Mrs. Etta Baker
In this short episode, I stress the major themes of “Tracking Song” My writeup may be found here: http://lists.urth.net/pipermail/urth-…, and the Gene Wolfe Literary Podcast has a far more thorough breakdown here
This lecture is intended to be suggestive rather than didactic; to set you thinking and inquiring for yourselves, rather than learning at second-hand from me. Some among my audience, I doubt not,
LYRICS: Listen all ye that hold communionWith Southern Confederates who are bold,And I will tell you of some men for the UnionWho in northern ranks were enrolled;They came to Missouri in their
She might not be as well-known or flashy as her older half-siblings. She might not garner the attention that her little half-brother gets. Say what you want, though, Tiffany Trump is the
Editor’s Note: Ian posted this at his own site, so we thought it would be good to give our readers a head’s up. You can leave comments for him here or there.
We are a little over two months out from Christmas, so it is time to start getting those Christmas presents. We have a wide array of shirts and mugs that you can
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