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Art - Page 12

May 5, 2017

Modern Art Is Crap

If everything is art, then nothing is. All the great art of Western Civilization rests on the same underlying principle: through hard work, inspiration, and commitment to his craft, the artist produces a work that connects the human to the

Merch Special – BOGO

March 23, 2020
Our buddies at Crypto.Fashion are running a special. Buy any MOTW shirt, get a free Reticle Cross Patch. Take advantage of this great offer. Seriously, we have some great shirts. Go check

Support MOTW

February 17, 2020
Just a reminder that we do have merchandise: shirts, hats, patches, and mugs. Everything except the mugs are found at Crypto.Fashion, and we do encourage you (after you buy some MOTW shirts
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Support Men Of The West

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