Beast Life: Incline Bench Press

January 31, 2018
1 min read

The Incline bench press is a great shaping exercise. It’s great because chicks dig nice pecs. It’s also great because it can help you get over strength plateaus on your bench press. The trouble comes when gyms are limited on equipment. Most gyms will have at least one Incline Press bench. If not, grab an adjustable bench and bring it to the power rack.
You will want to be careful with this press. It uses a lot more of your shoulders and can lead to injury if you go too hard. I suggest never going heavy. Stick to the 8-12 rep range. Remember, this is primarily a shaping exercise. It hits your upper chest that tends to get under-utilized in standard bench. But because you’re working your chest in a different manner, it will help you punch through plateaus.
Grab your bench. Adjust the seat, if you can, to where the bar is directly above your jaw. Too far back and you lose strength and balance coming out of the hooks. Put your hands a little wider on the bar. Right outside your shoulder width. At this different angle, it helps keep your for arms vertical as you lower and press. Pinch your shoulders back.  Get a good full grip and push the bar out of the hooks. Sway it over your chest, and lower to about an inch over your chest. Watch your forearms to check for vertical travel. Press back up to full extension.
Warm up with 2-3 sets. Your working weight will be lighter than your flat bench equivalent. Probably about 4/5ths.

Donner Schwanze is a Traditional Christian with Traditional values. He has had a tough life and has worked hard for everything he has. As a Father and a Husband, Donner will do whatever it takes to defend his God, his nation, and his family.


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