
January 27, 2017

New Government Twitter Accounts

The natives are restless. Hello, we are the Alternative National Park Service Twitter Account activated in time of war and censorship to ensure fact-based education. https://t.co/Ez8twyES7p — AltUSNatParkService (@AltNatParkSer) January 25, 2017
November 27, 2016

Thinking about #CalExit

There is a secession movement afoot in California. The cynic in me thinks that this issue was settled in 1865, but to many people, things are never settled until they’re settled in the way that they like. What would

Communion: Same Team

August 22, 2018
In John’s Gospel, Jesus prays for the Apostles, saying, “Holy Father, keep them safe in your name that you have given me, so that they may be one just as we are

Communion: Life

July 1, 2018
And Jesus said, I am the bread of life. Your ancestors ate the manna in the wilderness, and they died. This is the bread that has come down from heaven, so that

Communion: Light

June 21, 2018
Six days later [after Jesus first predicted His death,] Jesus took with him Peter, James, and John the brother of James, and led them privately up a high mountain. And he was

Communion: The Body and the Blood

March 17, 2018
When the Bible talks about the “Body of Christ,” there are several meanings. In the Gospels, when our Lord instituted this observance which we’re about to celebrate, He said, “Take. Eat. This

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