Editor’s Note: Our buddy, The Dark Ninja of Mockery and Twin Red Shadow of Justice, gives his thoughts on all things Google. It all started so promisingly. In those far-off, sunny days
Editor’s Note: We have promised some articles from Ladies of the West, and here we present our first one. Our good friend, Erika Andersen, shares valuable insight about marriage relationships, from the female perspective. Of course, we mean a Western
Editor’s Note: Again, The Last Redoubt puts it out there plainly. Reconciliation? Don’t make me laugh. I listened to the supposed victory speech by the presumptive Democratic president and vice-president elect (Kamal-Joe?),
Editor’s Note: Last Redoubt shows an aptitude for more than social commentary. That’s right, we are happy to present food. One of the skills I picked up in college was that of
Editor’s Note: Heidi gives us her thoughts on today’s proceedings, as Trump starts Phase II. There have been 104 superhero movies made since 2000. 36 from Marvel Comics® alone. Americans like heroes.
Editor’s Note: Have we got a treat for you. One of our long-term friends, Granny, has agreed to share some of her thoughts with our readers. This will be an absolutely non-regular,
Editor’s Note: Adam Piggott makes it clear. Divorce is a bad thing. Via Maggie’s Farm I came across this speech by Frank Abagnale to a crowd of “Googlers” at Google. My intention was to
Editor’s Note: Last Redoubt always gives us some good material to chew on for a while. I was recently pointed to a video by Russel Brand discussing “who won COVID” for Trump getting contracting
Editor’s Note: Our friend, Adam Piggott, posted this review on his site. Since it is a review of our buddy’s book, we decided to cross post it here. This article in the Catholic
Editor’s Note: Last Redoubt adds his thoughts on a topic we have discussed on this site before. There are some folks out there that are in need of a mill stone. I
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