Editor’s Note: Our buddy, The Dark Ninja of Mockery and Twin Red Shadow of Justice, gives his thoughts on all things Google. It all started so promisingly. In those far-off, sunny days
Editor’s Note: We have promised some articles from Ladies of the West, and here we present our first one. Our good friend, Erika Andersen, shares valuable insight about marriage relationships, from the female perspective. Of course, we mean a Western
…and not a caricature of what normally think a smart person is (sortof like Colbert used to play a caricature of what liberals *thought* conservative commentators believed, when parodying what they actually
Editor’s Note: Last Redoubt looks at how people view Trump, rightly or wrongly. I’ve seen it said that those opposed to Trump take him literally but not seriously, and those who support
Editor’s Note: For a guy who decided to slow down posting…Adam Piggott has been putting up some great quality. If you are not regularly reading his page, you should be. Here is
Editor’s Note: Last Redoubt never fails to clarify important points. Reading his archive is a joy. While the general point of the article is on a different topic, this paragraph by Scott Adams is
Written by Stephen Clay McGehee. Reposted with permission from The Southern Agrarian – http://www.southernagrarian.com/ gen-tle-man – noun a : a man of noble or gentle birth b : a man belonging to the landed gentry
Editor’s Note: Originally posted in May 2017, Last Redoubt’s explanation still makes sense (even if the referred to periscope by Vox is not available anymore). The difference between a fast fire and
Man-Boobs (Moobs) are a curse that plagues millions of men of all ages. Many have given up on fixing their man-boobs and just decided to live with them, or even have surgery.
Written by Stephen Clay McGehee. Reposted with permission from The Southern Agrarian – http://www.southernagrarian.com/ Some of the topics here are admittedly quite a stretch for Southern Agrarianism, and this is one example. Today’s post was
Editor’s Note: Last Redoubt gives his reasons why you should Homeschool or Die. Reading, Ritin’, ‘Rithmetic. It’s long been noted that homeschooling is not just a good idea because it’s a better
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