Donner Schwanze

Donner Schwanze is a Traditional Christian with Traditional values. He has had a tough life and has worked hard for everything he has. As a Father and a Husband, Donner will do whatever it takes to defend his God, his nation, and his family.

May 8, 2017


I’ve always felt comfortable referring to Democrats and progressives as Communists. When you compare their platforms, strategies, and propaganda, they are virtually identical. Think about it! They call themselves progressive, but into

Beast Life 4

November 16, 2016
Your Beast Life Now Muscles are made in the kitchen. You can lift for years and not see very much progress, if you’re not eating right to grow. The same is true

Beast Life QA

November 13, 2016
Question: How do you make time for working out? Answer: You just do. Some people make time for video games. Some people make time for hours of mindless TV every night. You

Your Beast Life 3

November 9, 2016
America just elected a president who promises to look after the interests of the Men of The West. Awesome. But don’t get complacent. This is not victory. This is just one battle

Beast Life QA

November 6, 2016
Question: Meal prep is my big struggle; any suggestions? Answer: Without a doubt, eating right is the hardest part of this lifestyle. You are typically cooking all your food. The easiest approach

Your Beast Life 2

November 1, 2016
The first thing that I want to mention is that Beast Life is a lifestyle. It involves virtually every decision you make during the day. When to wake up, when to go

Your Beast Life Now

October 26, 2016
The future of Western civilization depends on you. Whether you are single or have a family, part of ensuring that future means being a man of strength. We have grown too comfortable
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