Donner Schwanze

Donner Schwanze is a Traditional Christian with Traditional values. He has had a tough life and has worked hard for everything he has. As a Father and a Husband, Donner will do whatever it takes to defend his God, his nation, and his family.

May 8, 2017


I’ve always felt comfortable referring to Democrats and progressives as Communists. When you compare their platforms, strategies, and propaganda, they are virtually identical. Think about it! They call themselves progressive, but into
September 11, 2017

No Fat Nazis

Not only are the alt-Reich not right wing at all, due to their socialism, globalism, and totalitarianism, but they aren’t even Nazis. These low status males are so painfully unaware of what the actual Nazis stood for that it’s fairly

Tomi Lahren: Media Whore

March 21, 2017
Recently The Blaze’s new talking tart, Tomi Lahren, went on The View to tell the rabid, liberty hating progressives there that despite their differences, she was at least in solidarity with them

Beast Life – Lunges

March 15, 2017
To round out your basic leg routine, I want you to do lunges. Don’t get excited, lunges will make you hate life just as much as squats. But lunges will help you

Beast Life – Chest Flys

March 1, 2017
I’ve been told by a former pro bodybuilder buddy of mine that Dumbbell chest flys are the single most important shaping exercise for chest. It’s probably due to the fact that

We Stand With Milo

February 23, 2017
Editor’s Note: An earlier version of this article stated that Milo was not a Christian. It has come to our attention that he is, in fact, a Roman Catholic. As such, we

Beast Life – Dips

February 8, 2017
I like dips as a staple tricep exercise because they are a compound movement. But like the tricep press, you need to keep your elbows tucked in to your sides to ensure

Beast Life -The Arnold Press

February 1, 2017
You might think to yourself that a good supplement for the military press is the dumbbell military press. You’d be right, but there is an even better one that adds to the

Do I Stay or Do I Go Now?

January 30, 2017
Question: is your church feminized? Test: Can your pastor preach on Ephesians 5:22 without first having to apologize or give some other sort of “trigger warning” “Wives, submit yourselves to your own
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