Donner Schwanze

Donner Schwanze is a Traditional Christian with Traditional values. He has had a tough life and has worked hard for everything he has. As a Father and a Husband, Donner will do whatever it takes to defend his God, his nation, and his family.

May 8, 2017


I’ve always felt comfortable referring to Democrats and progressives as Communists. When you compare their platforms, strategies, and propaganda, they are virtually identical. Think about it! They call themselves progressive, but into
September 11, 2017

No Fat Nazis

Not only are the alt-Reich not right wing at all, due to their socialism, globalism, and totalitarianism, but they aren’t even Nazis. These low status males are so painfully unaware of what the actual Nazis stood for that it’s fairly

Christmas Miracle

December 4, 2017
World War 1 was such a brutal war that it actually re-wrote the rule book for war. We had to stop and say, “hey, lets not kill people in such fucked up

Beast Life: Chest Flys

November 29, 2017
Chest flys are a great exercise to round out your chest routine.  They are hands down the best shaping exercise for your chest muscles, and they work at really stretching your chest

Beast Life: Reverse Grip Curls

November 9, 2017
Reverse grip curls are another exercise that Arnold Schwarzenegger helped pioneer. These curls target some of the weaker and support muscles around the bicep, as well as the upper part of your

Beast Life: Weighted Dips

November 2, 2017
The next tricep exercise that you should be using for girthy arms is the dip. Dips are the only other complex movement lift that centers on building your triceps. As a complex

Beast Life: Box Squats

October 25, 2017
What’s better than squats? MOAR FUCKING SQUATS! Box squats are great. They are even better than regular squats in some ways. You may even consider building your leg day around these instead

Beast Life: Arnold Press

October 18, 2017
Arnold Swarzenegger, long ago before he became a worthless Cuckservative, made many innovations in bodybuilding. The one that bares his name is the Arnold Press. While most shoulder exercises work in a
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