Donner Schwanze

Donner Schwanze is a Traditional Christian with Traditional values. He has had a tough life and has worked hard for everything he has. As a Father and a Husband, Donner will do whatever it takes to defend his God, his nation, and his family.

May 8, 2017


I’ve always felt comfortable referring to Democrats and progressives as Communists. When you compare their platforms, strategies, and propaganda, they are virtually identical. Think about it! They call themselves progressive, but into
September 11, 2017

No Fat Nazis

Not only are the alt-Reich not right wing at all, due to their socialism, globalism, and totalitarianism, but they aren’t even Nazis. These low status males are so painfully unaware of what the actual Nazis stood for that it’s fairly

Beast Life: Bench Press

April 24, 2019
Bench press is important for beasts because it involves your primary face beater muscles. Your chest, shoulder, and triceps. Having explosive strength when it comes to pushing things off or away from

Beast Life: I Like Big Butts

March 21, 2018
Lately, I’ve had my woman in the gym, and we’ve been working out together. This can be a bit challenging sometimes because I work out with hundreds of pounds, while she works

Beast Life: Q&A

March 14, 2018
Kyle writes: Mr. Schwanze, I’m a mesomorph (I know, “fuck off”) so with that out off the way… I have been working out for 7 weeks and have seen good changes.  I

Beast Life: Sprints

March 8, 2018
Cardio sucks. Only women and homos enjoy cardio. So why drag it out? Why put yourself through 30+ minutes of repetitive mind numbing work, that does more to wear out the cartilage
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