With Linus surrendering to the forces that will consume Linux, it’s time to rethink a few things and make some decisions now that could save our nerd bacon, at least locally. This
You did it. You studied the models, talked to friends, dug into online forums and picked the handgun you liked the best, found a deal you liked and now have joined the ranks of men. Now what? In some ways
All future Presidential candidates’ social media usage will be compared to Trump’s. Trump rode a wave into the White House due to no small part his use of social media, specifically Twitter.
As Christians, we accept two great Truths. God lives and evil is real. We accept there’s an architect to this evil, commonly referred to as Satan or the Devil. Although the adversary’s
Ayn Rand might have a Godless nutcase in the end, but we have to recognize that, despite failing at logic with a dedication mostly reserved for the most zealous cult member, she
C.S. Lewis was a Christian powerhouse. He turned his intellectual and mental gifts to the defense and explanation of Christianity like few before or since. The Abolition of Man is one of
Sir Francis Drake A Prayer. Disturb us, Lord, when We are too pleased with ourselves, When our dreams have come true Because we dreamed too little, When we arrived safely Because we
If the Progressives cannot bully you into silence, if they cannot threaten your livelihood, if they cannot get you to bow and scrape before them, if their plans are disrupted, they turn
We’ve always brought our kids along when we go on vacation. It’s expensive, tiring, adds stress, adds more things to track, more things to worry about. It’s a giant hassle when they
One of the greatest self-inflicted sins a nation can commit is to import immigrants who have no ties to the past sacrifices of the nation’s sons. People that don’t have any sort
Congratulations! You’ve learned how to walk! You’ve picked out boots that work for you and broke them in. You’ve got plenty of socks. You know how to take care of your feet.
There are times when everything, and I mean everything, seems to be conspiring against you. When everything you’ve worked for, everything you’ve sweat and bled for doesn’t seem to make a lick
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