With Linus surrendering to the forces that will consume Linux, it’s time to rethink a few things and make some decisions now that could save our nerd bacon, at least locally. This
You did it. You studied the models, talked to friends, dug into online forums and picked the handgun you liked the best, found a deal you liked and now have joined the ranks of men. Now what? In some ways
Entropy works against civilizations as much as it does against any ordered system. And, like in physics, there are times you look at the data and say, “Here’s where the system shifted
One thing sure about this whole mess in Las Vegas: The Democrats will seize the opportunity to curtail our rights as far as they can and the Republicans will let them as
“The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is today.” In this age of continuous instantaneous gratification, it’s easy to forget that there are many
Marxism requires complete commitment to the eradication of the past. If anything remains, the entire structure is at risk. Take “workers own the means of production”. This only makes sense of you
Memento Mori. This modern world seeks to extend adolescence until the coffin lid closes. We treat aging and dying like some sort of horrible disease that can be avoided by ignoring it.
Sometimes, reality delivers something so perfect on a silver platter that you can’t believe it. This video is one of those. Masculine West meets Effeminate West. The BBC soyboy is so far
Not all of them walk the halls of power or plot in desert tents. We also have home-grown lunatics. “Pennsylvania Supermarket Shooter Self-Identified as Transgender Woman Who Hated All Men“ This is
The Romantics weren’t without their flaws, to be sure, but not all their works were mushy pap. Keats, out of all the Romantics, heard, if ever so faintly, the softly blowing horns
Editor’s Note: Yes, we have posted this poem before, but it is that good. Here, Boethius also provides a little commentary. We quote Kipling a lot around here. His piercing vision was
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