With Linus surrendering to the forces that will consume Linux, it’s time to rethink a few things and make some decisions now that could save our nerd bacon, at least locally. This
You did it. You studied the models, talked to friends, dug into online forums and picked the handgun you liked the best, found a deal you liked and now have joined the ranks of men. Now what? In some ways
Nicholas took his responsibilities as Bishop very seriously. Seeking guidance through revelation. he went up into the mountains to pray unto God for renewal. As he was praying, a river broke forth
I’m not going to sort through what’s myth and what’s factual about Saint Nicholas. As the years passed, his legend grew. Instead, I’m going to take Herodotus’ approach and repeat what I’ve found,
Before being morphed into a kindly old fat man that delivers presents down chimneys, for centuries Saint Nicholas had been a saint of great renown in Christendom. Nicholas was born March 10th, 270
Antifa has one of two paths: they can fade away to nothing or escalate their violence. Communists are delusional; anyone that embraces the lie has to keep doubling down or he faces
Whose woods these are I think I know. His house is in the village, though; He will not see me stopping here To watch his woods fill up with snow. My little
The continous faux-moral outrage of the Democrats is something of a wonder. On one hand, they are falling over themselves as they accept every accusation thrown at Roy Moore. It doesn’t matter
Of all the moves GQ could make, this is one of the worst. This is what full-blown Cultural Marxist Doublethink looks like. Kaepernick applied the right amount of pressure on an already
Google, bless their SJW hearts, has really made a major P.R. blunder and exposed just how, well, see for yourself. TL;DR is Google pushed a code change out that scanned personal documents
The Social Justice plague consumes everything it touches. When everything is political, nothing is sacred. The old traditions and institutions that upheld the West have been under constant chewing by the Social
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